Noob question thread! šŸ˜€ ask your questions here!



Is there a ā€œbudgetā€ dual belt drive kit?

Not really man. try these sites but be prepared to pay a bit more.

You canā€™t get a cheap good belt drive system. You can get a cheap belt drive system or you can get a good belt drive system. Trust me though the cheap one will end up costing you more than the good one in the end.


Hi guys! Is it possible to bind one nano remote from TB to 2 receivers? I know mini Rx can but nano? Going dual motors and after reading those scary post about can bus I have to believe this might be the way to goā€¦thanks for your comments and ride safe!

Yes you would use a ppm splitter

Thanks briman05ā€¦I know about Y splitter but donā€™t have one at the momentā€¦but have 1 nano remote and 2 receiversā€¦still would like to try this option if possible without splitting :roll_eyes:

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Its a try and see situation my friend. Pair one then try to pair the other and see if it works. Good luck Let me know if it works and pop a thread up to let everyone else know the process.

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Seems like buying a used boosted might be a better option

With a budget of 900, a nice single motor setup from Torque Boards, or a a cheaper dual motor setup from MBoards?

No no no! same same but different. Sells the same crap that diye does. Do not be fooled please.
@jxslepton you could but if you really want to go used then check out the adds here because you can find some gems if youā€™re lucky.


Okay, thatā€™s what I thought, Theyā€™re doing a great job rebranding and all so maybe Iā€™ll buy from them in the future. Iā€™ve seen their parts on eBay for a lot less. And doesnā€™t seem like great quality. Mike is a great guy and his business has potential but it needs work. But rn Torque Boards seems like the only option.

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Missed out on that single belt drive for $350

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Yeah you just have to keep an eye out they pop up every so often

If you have a focbox of the latest hw version or a Flipsky esc 6 or dual 6 than you will not have any issues with the CAN. In general there is nothing bad in CAN as long as you fix the plugs with a drop of hot glue or solder the two wires directly to the pins. Use a parallel plug for the power supply and you good to go.

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Whatā€™s the best wheel pulleys for the 107 SuperFly ABEC11 ?

Build kit boards has some press on abec pulley with a bearing that you donā€™t need to cut the hanger down.

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Heā€™s out atm. But since you suggest the best then I will wait for them

I have an ollin vesc that wonā€™t work sensored. It works fine sensorless. I tried the motor on a different ollin vesc and it works fine sensored so Iā€™m assuming the problem is with the vesc.

My google-fu is apparently weak because I canā€™t seem to find the right search terms to get relevant results. Iā€™m trying to understand what has failed and what leads to this type of failure. Up until now I havenā€™t really encountered any sensor issues so Iā€™m just looking to learn a bit as I seem to be out of my depth.

This issue may very well be beyond my ability to repair and I will send to drvwizard if I need.

Disclaimer: I bought these used with the full understanding that they may have issues and I am quite happy with them. Thanks

momentary short on the sensor wires could be a reason. did you drive in rain or water in last time?

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I donā€™t know. Iā€™ve only had them hooked up on the bench. Never ridden them. They could have been ridden in the rain.

Sorry I should have included this in my original question.

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