Metasurf Direct Drive ?!

I was asking the same question a few days ago, but I don’t know enough about those motors and bearings to be sure if that is doable. Maybe now that we know the bearings number it is possible to find out if there is a suitable replacement.

Looking at the picture it seems that there is a sleeve inside the bearing maybe we could change just that??

I don’t think you can just replace the bearings. The stator must be attached to something, either the axle directly or a bushing type piece. That bushing would need to be drilled out to 12mm and then the bearings swapped for 12mm Id ones. Then it would be usable on a 12mm shaft… maybe


This is correct, the core doesn’t spin and the bearing sure doesn’t have an 8mm ID… Bearing is not the bottleneck here, it’s the entire assembly.


So it can be drilled from 8mm to 12mm. The only problem would be this square part that locks motor to hanger. This whole design can be modified quite easy.

Think it’s a 6803 bearing

If someone opens it and shows how thick the hub part is and at what diameter it’s stator maybe you could easily drill it out for 12mm but then you need a 12mm hanger with the square end and of a certain length and where to get one. You’ll likely need to get it made. I happen to have a ton of 12mm hangers w 50mm long axles coming out either side. Not square on the end and you’d have to do modifications but could hold you over until some are cast.

First California-external direct drive set went out today! Three left phew. I’ll be mailing them out as people pay me the remaining shipping fees.



Love the cat haha

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BTW… for those that are curious on the completes… Aladdin pants will be in NYC on friday evening with the smaller version of the board if you like to see the actual board or require fashion advice :stuck_out_tongue: image He will be on NYC collective telegram


Everyone hating on this guy’s fashion sense and I think he looks like a damn boss. Do your thing Asian Aladdin.


aladdin’s balls be like



so much rooooooom

No hate here


hahaha that was amazing.

I think he may be my Spirit Animal.

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After going back and forth with the owner of Metasurf, he and his partner have agreed to make a batch of 70kv 80amp sensored motors.

Long story short:

  • They need 80 units to kick off the batch.
  • The more ordered the cheaper they get.
  • Guaranteeing a shipped date of Dec 1st (Shipped out from them. Not delivered to customer)
  • Reservation cut off date of Oct 25th.
  • 30 bucks to reserve

Details and Reservation link here:


I’ll do my best to complete a build by then to give people an idea of how these perform, but I can’t promise anything as I’m pretty busy for the rest of the week.

However, I’m sure one of the other people receiving the drives is better equipped to pump out a full build in no time.


You’re right ! It’s a bit early to do a GB without knowing how those motors really perform… :frowning:


Technically Egypt kind of is in Asia so Aladdin already is Asian Aladdin

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Whaaaaat? Egypt in Asia??? :joy:

Edit. Ok Synay kind of :wink:

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Not completely but partly yes. It’s technically in Africa. But it crosses

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it is part of the roman empire!