Has anyone made their own ebike?

Lower risk of fires also with the lithium iron phosphate. But much heavier. 4x the life cycle of lithium ion.

Thats what came up when i searched it, wasnt sure if it was right :wink:

Well if I want to use my 6374.

I can probably do 12s6p something like that with LG MG1 2850mAh/10A batteries

well he does has a MG1 pack and does custom batteries too or are you looking for something else? but i gotta be honest, those prices are insanly good. That link went straight into my folder, many thanks @moon

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Yeah the pack price is good but theres no fishpaper anywhere :slight_smile:

And I wouldnt mind the battery build practice.

They have VTC5A but they have been spot welded though, good price though

How much amps would be good for 6374? I guess at least 30, but whats overkill?

mmh yeah, but then again its for a bike with soft and big wheels. looks like those are not just simple battery spacer but more like a complete honeycomb complex. I could be wrong.

Yeah prices are really good, its not like I cant add fishpaper myself.

Thinking - Might make a friction drive, and use a 6374 or a direct drive motor (connected to a esk8 wheel), if it works it will be amazing

Or forget the wheel and design something suitable where its not required

And of course make it look nice :slight_smile:

is there an advantage for a friction drive?

I am currently building an electric moped, it was gas powered that I am converting. I.ve built a few ebike as well, I recommend using the 1500 W hub motor with a focbox it works like a charm and I like the motor breaking function way batter than the Chinese e brakes.

For extended rides you must add thermal mass to dissipate the heat of the vesc , a focbox case will do the trick.

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Got same idea to make diy ebike … around 2007 to 2010 surfing ES and dreaming of all of it. Then I told myself to think smaller, Paris and a bike like this will a problem during work time (stolen issues already with fixie and vtt at home …). So I start with esk8. I still got the idea in mind, and want to do it one day with a single esk8 setup ! Like my little e-Dirt scooter.

I’m sure I will use more my bike if it is e-powered a bit to help me :blush: I just make some photoshop and try to find how to make the 2 stage transmission middle drive … this will take me some year I guess :smile:


Only started with electric skateboards because people like to steal bikes, had mine stolen the only solution I could think was to build an electric skateboard that way you can take it with you where ever you go instead of leaving it outside “locked up” for someone to take. Personally I like high powered ebikes over skateboards but sometimes you have to compromise.

I’ve built ebikes before and for high speed runs and silence nothing beats the 80 volts or greater rear wheel hub, aliexpress has all you need if your looking to build this type of bike, for mid drives cyclone, gng, or lighting rods are used with higher voltages, usually require good skills to setup well, there are prebiuld drive units like the bbshd, bosh etc you can buy but they are the most expensive for the power they deliver. Mid drives are more efficient compared to hubs so give more range for the same amount of batteries and are favoured for off road use, hubs can still be used off road but their unsprung back wheel can become a problem in sandy environments they also require more batteries and are overall heavier then the mid drives.

Best thing going for ebikes at the moment is the sur ron light bee google it you wan’t be disappointed.

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i see you have good taste in mtb, thats a Capra right?

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I think its a good way. I’ll explain it later

:stuck_out_tongue: Yes exaclty ! YT Capra AL 2017 … It change all … all my feels and rides on a bike !!! I’m just a fan of mountain bike, nothing more, love to pratice them but know really nothing except basic maintenant, change a wheel or brake … absolutly not a pro rider but this is like going from an esk8 (with MBS wheels) and try an e-MTB :smiley: https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/20615656_10154819446542960_6076928795867483769_o.jpg?_nc_cat=101&oh=adb5f0f1d54f4e6de1ab2e094af51851&oe=5C4CF69C https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/20452049_10154819524037960_3505060679326266058_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&oh=a309f19c7085b9e23195748ae3affab4&oe=5C5A1D58 https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/20507443_10154819401042960_4959869704725836971_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&oh=fb634aae93890d9b6ac0904a87cacb89&oe=5C1DF69B With a motor I will could go anywhere :star_struck:

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So jealous, theres nothing better than riding a bike imo. Just so peaceful

  • bearing in mind my first esk8 is being built so that might change
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Take a look at friction drives, the seem really easy to do

true !.. But a bit worry to shred my tire to fast no ? But need good transmission for uphill/climbing. It is just that my problem, sweat during 2h to climb a good spot and DH it in 10min … :smile: same problem for downhill esk8 rider maybe … I would like something integrate like this too : https://endless-sphere.com/forums/download/file.php?id=224877

AVIAN featherweight mid drive

this system is gorgeously crazy :money_mouth_face:

Yeah thats nice but seems really complicated :slight_smile:

I dont mind making something complicated if it means it can do pretty much any hill

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Going to Control with A200s v1.3

My current bike, waiting on the tangent drive to finish being built. I’ve got 14s6p of 30q for it and 12s 16ah lipo for backup. Batteries going in backpack.