Custom urethane parts manufacturing of your ideas

Ah i see thanks man

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AH, hence the “Tunnel”


Should I Buy the gift certificate now?

Def interested in picking up a set of these!

I am down, Ill grab 2 sets. Just LMK where to put the $$$

Edit: If we hit the numbers, how long will it take to get the risers in hand?

Post edit edit: still down no matter the timeline

@Sender, @itsmedant, @Jc06505n

Tunnel Riser Project

Everything is set up to do this, let me know if you have any questions. Just go to:

Purchase a gift certificate for the # you want X $15.00 each and leave a note that the $ is for the Tunnel Risers with your shipping address and the desired color using the FootStop colors as your guide. If the project is launched after 2 weeks, you will be invoiced for shipping (and tax if you are a CA resident) when the parts are ready to ship. Thank you for your understanding for us doing it this way but we are a bit risk averse due to recent events!


Are these 1/8 or 1/4" tunnel risers ?

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I bought a GC, and it sent me a GC… should I just disregard the GC it sent?

Here are the dimensions in inches and mm:


@Alphamail I’m pumped for this! I was wondering if i could at the time of shipping have other products added to the order. I live in Canada and shipping here is a real bitch kitty. I have high levels of want for a few sets of pivot cups and bushings (there will be questioned on the other thread) on top of these risers. How would i organize that to have it work and become an awesome reality?

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So these are slightly higher than half inch risers?


Correct. Looks as so.


If the project is a go, you will have a couple of weeks to organize the total order so just let us know to match them up before shipment by referring to your gift cert transaction #.


Cool. I’ll be sure to pledge my cash tonight to make this project HAPPEN! Urethane risers will be the absolute top shit!


Just grabbed a couple. If you want this project to happen, now is the time


Nice make @Alphamail, what’s your shipping look like to the EU for like a pair this size/weight, go or no go?

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Ps. I would echo @Deckoz’s sentiment on riot plugs, there are 3d printable ones for the very common TB hanger on thingiverse.

Would be nice to get them, they should also fit the caliber trucks? Very very commonly used here


@banjaxxed Easiest and most accurate is do a sample order for a Aer-Out FootStop which is about the same weight and size, put in your address and it will pull up an accurate shipping quote before you pay, then cancel the transaction


Done , wonder how many risers is that so far.

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I will run a total tomorrow

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