Cheap ABS plastic enclosures

I think you’ve missed the point

I think so too lol

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Oh man stop playing with my username will ya

You’ve tossed it into the ring to be played with LoLz

I’d have never known otherwise


@Allofyoush Buy cheap, buy twice


Yeah, I’ve heard DIYeboards is a shit company haha

Youve already been told a million times the truth and you still dont seem to believe us???


I didn’t say I don’t believe you. I’m turning around about the motors and mounts because I just saw some threads about failures, but I still think Poly might have a good Aluminum case for top mount

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Good riddance


Well then lets just say G’Day then my mysterious friend. :wink:

Its been emotional.


You keep saying you’ll leave… yet here you are.


Wish you luck on your adventures Willies stroker.

What out for spiders they bite

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@devin that you @WillieStroker


No way, devin is very smart. This fellow is something else. Something else entirely. I’m guessing some little south london chav living in his mums basement stroking his willie to red tube all day long and trolling in his spare time. Crawl back under your rock mate. You aint all that. hiding behind ya lack of knowledge, pretending ya got a fake account.

Did I get the correct vernacular?

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but then again boosted lasts longer, so its more worth the extra money. then the customer service is pretty good i hear. do these stand for ownboard?

100% percent agree. even tho im 12, i’ve saved every penny and dime that i’ve got from chores and other stuff. I don’t spend it unless necessary, i find this hobby necessary.


The deck snapped, but the electronics are fine. Gonna transfer them over to a new deck.

12! Rock on dude! Nice hobby you’ve got if I say so myself😉