VESC throttle not working

And also set your startup boost in the advanced motor configation tab to 0. Actually it is at 0.090.

Really 0? Doesn’t that assist the motors when throttle is applied, so that it doesn’t jitter?

Try it, And it seems that you have 2 vescs. Is the receiver connected to the vesc which drives the motor with that you test.

Another question. Do you want to run 2 motors later on or only one. Because if you want to run 2 then set the Motor max current to 30 and the battery max current to 20. (Only half when you use 2)

Both VESCs receive the signal from the controller receiver, no CAN. And yea, I plan on using dual hubs later on unless I hate it, in which case I’ll go single VESC with a belt driven motor. I will correct the motor max and battery current. :slight_smile:

First of all unplug the receiver cable of the second vesc and try only with one. If that works then you can connect the 2 VESC via CAN so that only one vesc receives the signal.

Tried it with one yesterday. Doesn’t seem any different… Should I still do it with a load?

So you also disconnected one vesc from the receiver and set Motor max curent to 30 and batterie max to 20? When the answer is yes then give it a go.

No, I had just tested it as one VESC, will set to 30a motor max and 20a battery max

And don’t forget the startup boost.

With just one motors it’s got virtually no power, with two motors it’s the same as before.

what kind of battery are you using?

10S3P li-ion custom pack. But it’s not charged so it’s at 3.4V right now.

Did you apply the settings to both Vesc’s. Otherwise it seems to be a problem with the spillted receiver cable. Test both Vescs individually with the 30A motor and 20 A Battery. They should both react the same when they run individually. Then connect them again. When they go creazy again then it is the splitted receiver cable. This can be solved with a CAN cable.

BTW, the PPM settings also have to be adjusted at both vesc’s.

you are near the cutoff voltage of the VESC, so maybe try charging your battery before… to eliminate this possibility

I adjusted on both. May have to do with the receiver, but I’m not sure… The motors react the same if just one is running or two is running. But with on, it doesn’t push me as well since it’s much less torque.

I need to hook up BMS and get the charger first. I know, bad idea.

Well, you can still push your battery, but because cutoff setting on the VESC is at 33, when you put load it can draw enough current to pull down the voltage under 33V so you will lost all power from the VESC

Is there a way to adjust the throttle more accurately? I don’t want half my remote to be useless

Try lowering the deadband in the ppm settings. That reduces or increases the offset. Did you manage to get your motors running correctly. Just curious what the issue was.

It has some speed “range” now, but due to the small throttle it’s really hard to tell, also, it’s speed is much less than it feels like it should be.