VESC Monitor Android App

Sure, can have a look if i find the time. Once you have a kid itā€™s hard to find some spare time for hobbies.


congratulations on being a dad!

i can see how thatā€™d be all consuming.

but thereā€™s a bunch of us whoā€™d rather use yours than the other monitors.

anything you can do would be great.

weā€™ll pool some money together too.


Unity monitor and fw like the old focbox would be sweet. Iā€™m down to donate as well.

Iā€™m still running your fw on mine and my friendā€™s boards.

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Just released a new version. Please try if you can see the data with the actual unity firmware.


Omg no way.

A bit late in the evening, will try first thing tomorrow.

Thank you!

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It verks! :slight_smile: Unity 23.44, Iā€™m getting data. Suh-weet! @thisguyhere


fukinā€™ stoked.

did you use the onboard bluetooth module that comes with unity, or plug a bt module into uart?

just sent @Ackmaniac some funny money for his troubles.

i encourage everyone else to do the same if youā€™re using esc monitor.

[email protected]

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I plugged a BT05 flashed to HM10 into the uart. Didnā€™t think to try other stuff. I usuall have a METR pro plugged into the UART.

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This is excellent, I will have to also try it with stock unity BLE module and reconfirm again that neither the Metr UART or METR unity chip swap interop works here sigh lol

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Thx a lot for the donation. Much appriciated. Will have a look if I can integrate the unity a bit better. Like seeing each motor individually.


@Ackmaniac hey there. Youā€™re the best person to answer this. Is there a way to see a mapping of the rides I do? I would like to go back to previous rides and see on the map where Iā€™ve been

Tried connecting to on-board BLE, no data. Also tried connecting to METR pro, no data.

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this, afaik, isnā€™t built into esc monitor but you could easily use another app to map your rides.

i use this one

produces something like this



I dont know how you got him out of retirementā€¦keep doing it. We need him

A very nice tool was @DeathCookies Data Analyser ttps://

Sadly he decided to remove it because of missing donations. Maybe the community can help him out.

Maybe for future i can add a map view of the old data as well. but for sure not as advanced as Deathcookies version.


confirming it works, just remember to turn on ppm+uart, i think you need to use FOCBOX_TOOL to enable that.

Are using the unityā€™s BT module or HM10 peripheral?

this one, didnā€™t even try with the onboard BT

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Anyone having issues connecting with the app

Edit: App didnā€™t show board name in red, but was still able to connect

I experienced the same issue, need to have a look how that can be possible.

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