The Sleek Commuter | Globe Big Blazer | MBS 100mm | Chain Drive | 10s2p | Keda 6364 190kv

yeah so in total my voltage right now is 7.4v or more so that’s fully charged?

Heres a chart to understand:



Where as a lion battery is more straight, so you lipo battery is at 3.7 volts which you can see is around 30%, whereas lion would be higher capacity at that voltage

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thanks but sorry i’m still not 100% following

its 3.7 per cell but 7.4v in total so what would i expect it to read on a multi-meter at full charge?

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at full charge it would be 8.4 volts because at full charge both cells would be 4.2 volts

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A lot of what you would have learnt about batteries on this forum will kind of contradict what you will be doing as almost everyone uses 18650 lion but you are using lipos and I have used lipos on all three of my board and because they are different chemistry there are indeed different in capabilities and how you use them.

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awesome thanks for taking the time to clarify i’m actually pretty sure i understand now as well as i am reading that link you provided i’d somehow come to the conclusion 3.7v was fully charged :joy:

that’s exactly what just happened i think why i was so confused

thanks again man!

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Also I believe that this dude: is using a hobbyking mount, @mynamesmatt is that correct? Because if so this shows that the hk can be used with one motor well.


i think he ended up making his own/using a custom one. speaking of matt he is helping me tremendously via pm regarding this build. absolute legend!

I do have the HK mount thought i’m gonna give it a go.


my sis is using the hk mount with an SK3-6364 190KV on 16/36 12mm gearing with 265mm belts. For her it runs great. For a decent board though I’ve heard of the mounts being a bit troublesome

Update for anyone interested:

Received my Caliber II’s and one is bent so waiting on a replacement.



Had to grind them more then expected to fit the gear pulley, also had to grind the mounts more than expected for the Caliber II’s .



Also re staining the deck so that’s why they are stuck on pine right now.


-BMS -Charger -Voltage meter

Still on it’s way

  • Risers and longer deck hardware.
  • ABS Plastic for enclosure
  • Bullet connectors
  • JST Connectors
  • XT-90s
  • USB for Vesc

Need to buy: Fuses

Someone said it will be heavier than expected.


This is without the deck/batteries vesc bms cabling. Sheett :joy:


Also, just a side note, since your using lipos when you configure your VESC settings in the VESC tool by default the voltage cutoff will be 31 volts for lion make sure to make that 35v hard cut off and 37v start, as I didn’t do this in the past and this will quickly damage your batteries causing all sorts of problems that have given me headaches such as puffed cells, dead cells, the battery going out of balance preventing charging and so on.

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Thanks for the tip man.

Just received the USB cable for the vesc but have not received bullet connectors to hook up the motor yet so wont be tackling that yet.

Definitely need to double check my understanding before messing with vesc

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I like that deck, very retro. Did you press it yourself? :grinning:


that’s my downhill deck

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I think that might be an underground deck :joy:

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Hey mate, nice to see plenty of Brisbane people.

Also if your still worried about batteries charge level I am southside Brisbane with charger if you want to get them to storage volts.

Wait, is that a deck or a board?

Deck is getting a touch-up. Grinding the trucks was easier with them stuck on something.


@Sippahodge thanks for the offer man I ended up buying a charger from jaycar they’re at storage now.

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