RAPTOR 2 | Most Powerful Direct Drive Electric Skateboard | Kickstarter

By your reasoning, Dr Peppers’ red can is = Coke. Not! So anyone putting on orange wheels have a Boosted board? Ha ha… your equation is incomplete.

I dont know where you live but Dr. Pepper is Cherry therefore it has a cherry can, orange wheels is synonymous with a boosted board in esk8’s the californian bear is acton’s thing, you see where I am going??

Cherry… yeah! Sure as Enertion will have its ‘bear’.

Let’s face it. Most people aren’t going to make a $1k+ investment based upon someone they saw ride by with a logo on their board. They are going to stop and ask you about it and what you think before they pull the trigger. The best thing that Enertion can do is to get us a bad ass board with all of the specs they have been talking about. It destroys anything currently on the market, and people will notice the performance. The only thing I want them to laser cut is my name on the shipping box.


I just figured he’d want to put his branding on it, as I’m sure he is proud of what he has achieved with it. This has nothing to do with what the customer wants. Just leaving his mark on a product he spent the last year or more of his time developing, which ultimately is his decision whether he wants to do so or not. It was not intended to spark a statement of opinions.

But on that note. Let’s face it. Not everyone has the time or interest to stop and talk to every curious person they pass along the way and hand out Enertion details. The Enertion logo won’t be visible either when you are traveling at the speeds R2 is capable of. People do their research online before pulling the trigger and what will hold ground are the video/text reviews of the final product. How well the negotiations go through for his global distribution network will also play a role, as this will impact the speed of his customer service and the price of shipping (as well as import tax) for replacement parts when they fall under warranty or otherwise.

That being said not everything in business goes according to plan especially when dealing with 3rd parties. I’m certain as soon as he is finished dealing with his manufacturing lines and shipping out the ordered products, he will shift his focus onto the distribution network.

How’s the status of the first 30 boards batch? When will they get shipped? I’m so excited to ride my raptor!

Check his latest recorded live feed it’s kind of long but he talks about it there Enertionboards

Think he said this week or next he’s going to China to sort his production lines can’t remember exactly when.

Any weekly updates?

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Hey Jason how is China looking? I cant wait to see the first unboxing of this thing, better yet i cant wait to unbox my own.

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Saw an update from onloop on the electricskateboarding reddit. Thought I would share for those that aren’t checking over there regularly.

onloop Raptor 2 FTW Sorry guys super busy this week. I’ll do another update next week. Hope to have the battery case and a fully assembled final version of Raptor 2 for show & tell session. The injection molding factory are fucking killing me at the moment…they are still tuning the molds for battery case. Well overdue. But super critical not to rush them. In summary, everything is in full swing production. “Organised Chao’s” Should have lots of photos of bulk part’s sitting around waiting to be assembled from next week… Grey hairs appearing.

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Damn you mold factory! Just waiting ATM, my current esk8 broke down due to rocks in the outrunner last week… And guess what! The motor i ordered last weekend hasn’t shipped!

Buut i mean, service vise thats OK. It’s just sad to see all the gravel on the roads being finally swept away after winter, all the while longing for the glorius unpacking of the beast. And now i can’t ride my comfort blanket either :weary:

Tell them that they have a crowd of people all cheering for their success! I’d send them a personal thank you letter if i get my raptor before july and bloody bake them a cake if its shipped before June.

Am i the only one that is reminded of the late 80’s early 90’s F1 cars with the wide tires on the back when they look at a Raptor 2?

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What do you say will I be able to learn to slide on a raptor or should I get a normal longboard for that? I currently ride a cruiser board.

The broad back wheels really are pretty prominent :slight_smile: I like it!

Definetly a normal longboard. If you are learning the amazing fun that is sliding you will eat shit ( a lot) and so will your board. It will flip, scrape and run away from you. So no reason to sacrifice a new esk8 to that process. Also special wheels and less weight help a ton in getting started. If you can let a friend help you!
Most impotantly have fun learning it!

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I’m interested in getting some slides going on my R2 also. There are plenty of videos out there of people doing cool slides and slide tricks (donuts, etc.) on electric boards. Having speed and torque control at your fingers opens the door to some cool outcomes.

You asked specifically about learning to slide and I think that will be tough on this setup for a few reasons…primarily because of the wheels. The wheels that we are seeing on the rear of the R2 are wide. The size of the contact patch on the pavement impacts the amount of force necessary to get a slide going. Wider gives you better grip, but makes initiating a slide harder. I haven’t seen details on the durometer (hardness) of the wheel, but my bet is it will be towards the softer side of the scale. Also better for grip, but more difficult for sliding. Another factor is the wheel shape. The standard wheels have a hard edge on them. That hard edge is something you see typically on a downhill longboard to help give better grip around corners. The wheels also have a polished finish on them and that type of finish increases grip. Until you wear that finish down, slides will be more difficult to initiate and may have a little chatter to them (not a smooth slide). I asked Jason earlier about the possibility of a stone ground wheel sometime in the future. That type of wheel is easier to break in for sliding. Maybe Jason will consider that for a future option. Finally, with the hub motor setup, I don’t know how the wheel will perform on a slide. Keeping the wheel attached to the hub is going to be important and initiating a sidways force on that wheel isn’t typical. Maybe Jason can share more about how his wheels will secure to the motor and whether he has any concerns here.

So all of that makes this setup one that is more difficult to slide on. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done…and speed is the great equalizer. At speed, it’s easier to overcome all of those issues that I called out and break the wheels loose for a slide. But I don’t think you want to learn sliding like that as it can go bad real fast. I’d suggest getting a downhill board with some smaller wheels, rounded lip, harder durometer, and built for sliding. Sector 9 butterballs are a good example of the type of wheel that you can learn to slide on. https://www.muirskate.com/longboard/wheels/69938/65mm-sector-9-butterballs-longboard-skateboard-wheels


Thanks for the information. I guess I should have gotten a carvon for sliding then. Doesn’t matter though. I’m just thinking about what sort of tricks could be done on the raptor.

We don’t have many hills where l live, by the Baltic see, so I won’t even start to get into sliding then.

Guess that kicktail can be braught to use. But I’ll have to practice some more before on my cruiser. By the way, it’d probably be smart to get a tail bone for the raptor.

I disagree. I think it looks better and is more functional without any cutouts in the grip tape. People ask me about my R1 all the time; they learn about it by talking to me when I’m riding it and not by reading a logo.

I’ve had my foot slip on the R1 when it was a little wet where the grip tape is missing over the trucks.

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yes without logo it looks better and better grip.


Yes cutouts is pointless, but grip tape can be printed on, no one actually said they wanted cutouts. Either way doesn’t matter anyone who wants it differently can change it themselves doesn’t cost much nor does it take long to switch out.

Griptape Examples

Printed grip tapes are not durable at all :-1:t3:Jason made a good decision