My parents won't let me get an eboard

Do you live in America?

Yeah not looking good

Yeah, Midwest

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im trying to figure out how my mum let me?

Get new parents…


You are old enough to understand whats wrong and right… Choose with your head, and put your heart on that… What ever your choice is, take care of your self… Enjoy the ride…

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I don’t think they understand that

just say mum, im buying an eboard and there is nothing you can do to stop me

You can chuck a drill onto the spokes of a wheel and ride with drill power, they’ll say its dangerous and you can say it would be safe if it was a real board


I feel like it would be remiss to not at least mention that skaters historicaly have not worried overly much about permission… just saying.



I heard Walmart has them. Buy 1 get one free special.


constantly talk about eboards to them until they cant bear it anymore


The Walmart skateboards doesn’t look awful, definitely something you can replace the deck on with a longboard deck

Agreed, but they’ll take it away if I buy it without permission

Sorry to chime in out of nowhere, but just another suggestion. Lots of great suggestions here on the forum as well!

Maybe try scheduling a day where your friends(with eboards), your parents, and you all get together on an afternoon in the park or some other safe location. During the meetup, you could find a good way for your friends to let you “test” their boards in front of your parents, (with their approval, and going slow, taking extra caution, etc.) to make sure they know you’re really interested, and that you’re ready. One of the biggest things in this appears to be SAFETY, and they’re justified. Imagine little Timmy (whom they’ve taken care of, loved, and protected for years) wants to race along cars on a skateboard at 25 mph. There’s obviously going to be a slight concern regarding safety (there’s hardly any protection on these things).

Another thing that would be super helpful in this situation would be demonstrating your knowledge of how dangerous this sport can be! One of the FIRST things you should get is a GOOD helmet, and some pads/gloves/guards. Showing your parents that you respect the dangers associated with electric skateboards, and care about your safety is going to make them more likely to let you get one.

Also, regarding “is this even fair” - yes completely! They’re your legal guardians, they have every right to tell you what you can and cannot do (until you become a legal adult). Whether or not you agree with it is a different question…


I think there has been 5 deaths from esk8 that I know of? Its a pretty scary thought as a parent.


Yeah that sounds like a great plan actually :ok_hand:

Yeah understandable, but I’m more likely to die in a car crash so I just don’t understand

2 of those people die at night on a road with not lights or helmet on and got hit by a car

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