Mounting your Enclosure

not when you forget that you have to put your drill in reverse for it to work and destroy all four bits

ps. thats exactly what i did


I just liked that comment so I can unlike it… I made the same mistake my friend.


new folks that see this thread are going to be so confused


Preparations are being made :sunglasses: 20181219_105831


So glad I found this page, was just thinking the other night how I was going to mount the enclosure. $22 later on Ebay and I should have all the parts in a month :slight_smile:

Now to go buy the deck in the Boxing Day Sales and get started on the Custom Build :smiley:


I’ve been reading this thread too because I need to mount my enclosure.

It seems the insert comes out when removing the screw. How about using a little epoxy to screw the inserts in and leaving the screw in the insert overnight.

Won’t that make sure the insert is secure and won’t budge when the screw is removed ?

Sure will! That’s the accepted practice I think

Oh I was saying that leaving the screw inside the insert overnight is an alternative to the double nut technique.

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Oh I see my bad, misread on my part

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Lol my second post should have been my first.

Is that an aluminum strip you used over the sides of your enclosure or steel. I would like to also do that.

I did the same with an aluminum strip. It is bending a bit and I previously didn’t use washers and had my nuts pulled through the aluminum after a while.

It’s aluminum. I got some aluminum strips at my local hardware store and cut them to the right length and rounded the edges with my belt sander.

The strips already came in the right width.

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Mine has been going strong. You would need to tighten the crap out of it to pull through the aluminum I’m using even then I think the deck or the enclosure would split before that would happen. Maybe the aluminum you used was too thin?

How thick are the strips you are using? I’m actually using these but they’re fairly thin. No more bolts pulling through but they still bend.

Yeah that looks really thin and it looks like it has a hollow space in the middle.

I used this 1/8" thick aluminum you can’t pull through this with out breaking everything else lol|G|Base|D25H|25-4_BUILDERS_HARDWARE|NA|LIA|71700000044822926|58700004636006010|92700039037730264&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0y6IeuDHnVNIGgahQ7jgKgvcEr12z2_BvocaG-yzXtSXSj9YBmBz1UaAjCgEALw_wcB



These are the right inserts right?

M4 x 8



thems be tha good ones


Yep you good get mounting


Gotta work for the WERA Allen Keys not risking stripping.