Motor Review Thread

Think of it as a teaser for what’s hopefully to come :wink: Though not like I can run a group buy on here yet so it might still be a long while :stuck_out_tongue:

@totalgeek9224 I’m sorry, I need to rephrase it so it’s ethical for broke people…

They’re not for sale unfortunately*

*no broke people were harmed due to the non-sale of these motors :rofl:


I can though for my australian brethren and sisterthren (I know its not a word)

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Yeah. Unfortunately for most. Don’t forget those brands and those motors belong to a different world (RC modelling). Esk8s were still decades to be invented when these German motor manufacturers already existed producing motors for the RC car & airplane market (a expensive one). In the end, anybody spend their money the way the want, no? :sunglasses: :wink:

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Theres expensive and theres expensive. thats the equivalent of 2200 buck aus per motor. They’d have to fly before I’d think about that expenditure. Oh hang on they are supposed to fly lol

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Yeap. Those flew before anything :airplane:. My E-Max GTs and those Tacon Bigfoots were also intentionally made for the RC model airplane market.


Pretty cheap powerful unsensored airplane motors by the way. Lots of bang for Esk8

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Are these motors worth the asking price? or just slick branding/marketing?

Nice looking build there. Curious as to why your idlers are upside down though :thinking::wink:

They’re good but I’m not sure it’s worth…

My belts were skipping on acceleration so I put them under. It’s dual now anyways