HAYA HB92 Integrated Deck

Patiently waiting for ordering information on V0.2


So. Quick question. I know v2 eill have bigger channels… are you adding a ply? Theoretically i can do these changes to my v1 im guessing? @bevilacqua

Hi Justin, Im flying to spain this Friday, I’ll visit the company that presses the decks to find out when exactly we coud start production. All should go pretty quick around the end of the month. But since the last time I have no news. As soon as Im done with some UNI stuff this week I’ll open a google form in case some of you guys want to reserve a deck.

You should be able to do it without the added ply, try to be careful with the depth. Also widen it symetrically If you decide to expand the channels.


Any further news about the 2nd production of these?


Yes, we are waiting for a CNCd sample to test the alignment of the lid (We changed the hole pattern of the sides). As soon as we receive it we could test it and give green light for production. We will be able to produce limited stock on the first run of the updated shape. Expected production kickoff is around mid-end March.

We will deliver them like the HB83 short board, with 3 coats of 2-component poly matte varnish and non assebled.

Target pricing will be ±150e (maybe a bit more for EU folks because of taxes). Shipping would be around 40€ Non EU and sub 20€ EU. (No snail mail)

In order to avoid shipping problems to the States we‘ll do a test shipment.

I will open a G-Form shortly (today or tomorrow) if someone wants to reserve a deck. The rest will be stocked for our upcoming website.

Best, Mathias

P.S: Sorry for the delay but our manufacturer had more workload than paned.


G-Form 2nd Round:

(if there is any error let me know)


What’s the final shape of the second round?

(Note that the bolt positions will change, the deck in the image is a sanded down version of the original shape)

I will post some images after we receive the CNC testsample. The nose is a bit more pronounced, this makes sanding it much easier and helps a bit with wheelbite.

1ply is added for 1.2mm more depth, and the internal boxes are widened from 76mm to 84mm to allow up to 4 2X700 cells in parallel.


I just put my name down for one!

Since the internal boxes will be widened I suppose some of the compression packs that were developed will need to be modified (e.g.: @Winfly 's fit snugly before).

yes, although you could simply print a 8mm spacer/cable-guide :wink:

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Planning battery options here. From what I read in a previous reply the N.E.S.E modules were 2mm too tall to fit in the first run of the HAYA deck. For the second run there is an extra ply for 1.2mm extra depth. So they still won’t fit, can anyone confirm?

I think they should fit, I will print some strandard NESE modules and test it. There is also a modified 17mm version by @agniusm himself

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Are the internal dimensions still the same or are the channels on the second round 91mm like the HB93?

The HB83 is 7mm wider to compensate the shorter form factor: 91mm on the short board and 84mm on the updated original board.

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While you’re here DZUS fasteners would be a useful & interesting addition in some future model


Cool principle, I’ve seen it on racing cars, but never bothered to think about how it works.

Seems like a pursuit for the diy builder :wink: bit too labor intensive for us

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I created some NESE similar case for this board. Its not tested yet, but it looks good so far. If I have the prototype and tested it I ll upload them…

image image


I have a (mostly unused cause I’m broke and can’t buy parts) prototype Haya and a 3d printer, I could test it for everyone if you can upload the files.

Sorry, this will only work on the new short board… u need a 91mm wide channel.

Oh I thought you meant the old longboard. My bad

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