Focboxes @ Enertion cyber monday sale

Maybe “great” means something else down under :rofl:


What you’re looking for is a “super awesome fantastic premium” customer service. Kind of like numismatics – when a coin is graded “Fine” that actually means it’s the shittiest grade possible.

So yeah, “great” customer service LoLz

In all honesty though, everything without numbers in it is marketing jive anyway and wholly meaningless

On one of the Facebook videos, @onloop asked for proof of just blown drv on focbox, offered something for it, I don’t remember, not the point.

I’m asking, has there ever been a date/timeframe set and met by Enertion? Has it improved over time or gotten worse?

I could give a shit less about the time frame. It can take all the time in the world to get here.

My concerns are I have a tracking number that isn’t valid and hasn’t been valid since it was emailed. And there has been no response other then "it’s shipped.

In my experience…if it’s shipped and a tracking number is given. It typically becomes valid within 24hours. It’s been two weeks and the package still doesn’t exist.

I want an answer as to why I have a bogus tracking number. Not when will I get my parts…

The price of these focboxes were possibly under the price that the resellers were buying them for before the sale. I’m not starting to complain just yet. It’s little disappointing but seems to be par for the course in this hobby.

It’s only a hobby if you still have a car.


An esk8 has been my main/only method of transportation for almost a year, it’s been quicker, way more cost effective and fun :smiley:

I’ve got a Tesla 3 pre-ordered…I don’t know if I still want it lol


Not riding 40 miles to work…no thanks lol.

But when I get home everything is on a board unless it’s monthly grocery shopping, or wife and I are going out… Yea getting her on a skateboard in sub 30 weather to go-to dinner…hahaha…

My town and area has over 100+ miles of greenways throughout the city and surrounding towns. It’s hard not to board…

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Grocery shopping is my favourite, folks are like “How do you grocery shop with that?”

It’s easy; you ride to the grocery store, you buy food, and you ride home


Fair enough. A lot of people will be relying in these for transportation. I’ve learnt that things don’t always arrive on time from esk8 companies so I’ve consequently learnt to stockpile.


Lol that’s what we’re trying to do bro…


Same here… But for the small runs… like beer, milk, things to cook dinner with. (But not the load up for the month on dry non perishable goods)

Nothing like going 35-40mph with a six pack in one hand, and a backpack full of veggies and a steak. Lol it’s pretty funny seeing the looks on people’s face when your flying by them(cars) on a skateboard with a six-pack/twelve pack in hand.


Need to get the wifey on deck and make a dual board hitched trailer…you know for couples out and about :yum:


She rides…it’s just too fucking cold to convince her otherwise ATM… Lol


Exactly how I am. The only reason I own two esk8’s is to make sure I will always have one that’s fully working while waiting on parts for the other. I use mine as my primary form of transportation here in the city so I totally understand the frustration of having to wait for parts. It’s a must to stockpile in this industry from what I’ve learned.


Sounds like every other night for me. :wink:

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I feel ya, I have 4 first builds going (:grin:) and am anxiously awaiting focboxs and controllers!

This is BS, ive got children waiting for their esk8 for christmas and all I can tell the parents is that, is on its way… somewhere







What the hell is goin on here buddy? Time to face the music…


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