FOCBOX UNITY | Support, Setup & Troubleshooting

PC shows Unity BLE 1.1 as paired, but not connected, after initial connection/pairing.

And you’ve tired forgetting the unity and connecting via the tool right ?

Yeah I’ve tried. On the UI connection screen there is a drop down option labeled “connection” but has no options.

When you scan for Bluetooth, it says “scanning” but nothing ever comes up.

Bluetooth on the PC doesn’t work at all for now. Only from the phone can you BT to it. Technically I have a Windows 10 compatible version where BT works but Bluetooth on Windows in general is really buggy so I didn’t release it yet.

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I haven’t set up my unity yet but I will be soon… but to be clear can I use either the focbox tool or the ui (windows)…??:thinking: also if anyone knows where I can get these bullet adapters that came with the unity that would be awesome… :call_me_hand:t5: image

3.5mm bullet connectors. Amazon, eBay, local hardware. Take your pick.

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Yeah but the ones that came with the unity seems to be a bullet connector adapter from 3.5 to 5.5… I couldn’t find the same ones on amazon…

Oh my mistake. Take a 3.5 and a 5.5mm bullet and the back end of the 3.5 conveniently slides right in the back end of the 5.5. Add a dab of solder and some heat shrink and you have a professional adapter.


Ok cool…Thanx :call_me_hand:t5: Would u happened to know about the 1st question I asked about the unity? Can I use the tool or the ui users choice?

Unity app is easiest if you’re android. If not, plug into windows.


Ok thanx got it… :call_me_hand:t5:

Also it’s super lame that I didn’t get any if these included with my unity :confused: oh well I guess I learned that bullet trick from it.

I made the same mistake naming mine “Widowmaker”

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Nice! In my case lowering the motor max from 60 to 50 amps helped a lot with the dragster acceleration

The downside to that I think is the decrease in hill climbing ability. But I guess range goes up so it’s a trade-off.

Need some help here pls. whar should i do?


You have a Unity right? If so, Go to the firmware tab and click the upload firmware button

Question on The Enertion Nano remote paired with the Unity. The switch for slow and R-Spec modes. Are the parameters for each mode adjustable using the Unity Tool?

Is data logging still in the works for the unity?

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My guess is no. The nano receiver outputs a dumb PPM signal. The switch change just limits the PPM output. (I hope I’m wrong and there is some way to get more smart signals via the various switches and buttons.)