That’s what I was questioning my self, if through commands you could set a pin code for it, and I think that before, no one was taking in mind this because the unity wasn’t everywhere, and now it’s more available and a lot of people it’s using it

Another idea is just to be able to name your unity so you dont get then mixed up. I like the password idea as well.

Thanks blasto. Great to hear!

I literally quoted up above in where it was a concern and addressed…

I wasn’t taking away from what you said I was just thanking him for speaking up. He’s had alot of sway from enertion and I want to hear it from someone who’s either on the team, or someone extremely in the know - e.g. blasto

Thanks for finding that snippet though, I’m just blind I guess

that’s in the same workload as the pin authentication, will be done.


oh no not to you but to how @Maxid said:

it was a very early concern

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Another question. Will we be able to adjust the “push to start” sensitivity? Right now it seems really difficult and it would be awesome if I could start up my unity by rolling the wheel with my hand or foot.


I’ve had the same issue, and yes when the wheel rolls back on full release. The spring is strong enough to rotate back beyond zero. (Creating braking, or acceleration depending on the rotation). It’s really a mechanical issue, not software. My solution was to run my remote in reverse. It allows, atleast for me, better control of the wheel, and have yet to have a slip. Hopefully that helps.

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Wouldn’t a power switch be faster than spinning both wheels with your hands or feet? How would you even do that with your feet?

The motor resistance is to high to be able to that realiably. I just do one push on my baord and it turns on. I turn my remote on before I get on the board and after one push im on my way. Why do you think its too difficult to push start?

Yes thanks, just ordered the new Maytech R2 and will report back :slight_smile:

I tried the latest version with unity and it connects to unity but no data is updated. Everything stays at 0.0. I even deleted and reinstalled the device and the app, unfortunately it did not work. Let me know if you need logs or something. When I try to check faults it says Esc not connected.

@Deodand For some reason kick push to start does not work for me. I see the lights come on but they cut out as soon as I stop pushing, I am using 140kv motors. Any guesses why this is happening?

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For @AlexBE it works

Don’t connect to the Unity, you have to connect to a BLE module attached to the UART port of the Unity.

I also had the same experience with the app @Ackmaniac

You have to push the board hard and fast and long. I need to go at least 3 meters and pushing as hard as I can. I find it much easier to push the board by itself without me standing on it, because I can get the board to go fast enough without having to move my own mass.

Hi! I was going to purchase 2 unities. Then I realized that the custom fees will kill the deal. Someone who bought it from EU can tell me if and how much custom fees had to pay? Thanks thanks :smile:

Are you trying to connect to the Unity also @Balth81? Or to a BT module?