FatBoy Nano Urethane Gear Drive 1:2.6

Well if you have money for surfrodz you can get FatBoy Mini :smiley:


gotta wait till summer :dizzy_face:

I doubt we going to make multiple mounting styles for this drive… As it would increase the price of it :slight_smile: But if you grab FatBoy SR 230/240

@BruSkater the drive is 80mm height so you would have like 5mm clearance on the bottom if you don’t mind it sure you can ride with 90mm but I think its too small


Might be a daft question. But is this for a pair??


Yes dual! :stuck_out_tongue:


Too close to the ground for 97s?

Well its up to you to decide if 9mm from ground is too close :slight_smile:

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I’m in for a set.

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I would choose 100mm Boa maybe :slight_smile:


Will this be a one time offer only? How much would this one cost with 230 hanger bundled? Is there any chance to hear the sound of the drive before Black Friday?

No, we just starting making them and collecting pre-orders “small group buy” on black friday so we could order material in bulk for it :slight_smile:

Hanger is from separate group buy if you want you need to get it separate.

Regarding sound it should be same or less than Mini at the moment everything is in making and also if we record noise in workshop it would sound loud and not pleasant compared to the sound on the road :slight_smile: You can look up @mackann board

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Yes I love the sound, it doesn’t sound as high in real life as on video


Hm with nano I was hoping for small, light and maybe cheaper. Like 2x6355 on e-caliber with 97mm flys.

TB218 or FB230 is not that small. Boa not that light. FB230 makes it not that cheap.

Hmmmm! Still watching, holding my breath!

Someone doesn’t read :smiley:

It’s same price as TB dual motor kit… with bolt pulleys cmon man…


Hey sorry, didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. I understand all of above. e-caliber story sounds like it’s not fully developed, so I’m still hanging around. And you’re right, running tb218 it’s still a very nice price point (but sigh I don’t think I would).


How is the pushability and free roll of the drives? Sorry if this question was answered earlier can’t recall it at the moment. :sweat_smile:

Edit* can I push my board Ninja style in front of policemen?

It’s not as good as hub, but it’s better thene belt

does it makes obvious noises when pushed? Btw. I adore your build man! That thing is crazy and beautifully executed. :clap::clap::clap:

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Almost finished unit :slight_smile: Prototype will be sent to @mackann for testing :slight_smile:



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