Evolve Gen 3 - 63mm motor mounts by UNiK

It’s not like they photograph just like @okp mounts, the photos are actually okps, like he pointed out. Hopefully @hyperIon1 sees that this ain’t right and change their website and this mount design.

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exactly. This is not even about patenting or whatever. It’s about showing respect to people that have been moving their asses for the community on a daily basis for years.

These guys have been made aware of that (see post above) and commented that these were not my mounts. But at the same time they are using my images on their site. So it’s always good to smooth things, but there is a difference between smoothing thing when you have been made aware or just ignoring it which is what these guys did.

That’s the kind of attitude no-one should support and I’ll fight against that, even if it has to cost me a travel to Austin to make sure this situation never happens again.


Really I think you take it to far, its a picture. If that’s so disrespectful stop overcharging for them, I think that’s more disrespectful than using your pic.

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Dude, you fucked up, own up to it.

Your answer is even more disrespectful.


whatever, guys have it your way, honestly evolve upgrades are not the direction we are going anyway. So everyone unruffle your feathers

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And again You are taking a bit too far

You have notified us, pic removed fly to Austin do what you have to do. take to email if you must continue, but i will not further this on the forum. If asked if we sell EVOLVE motor mounts we will gladly send them to you…

You’re handling this situation very poorly Cory. You need to admit your faults, apologize and rectify. Going on the offensive after committing plagiary is generally a bad direction to take yourself.


Thank you for your thoughts and if everything was looked at in context and not just the immediate reaction to plagiary, it isn’t justified when at one time we did resell his mounts. Now I have apologized to him, taken down his picture and won’t make anymore. Wasn’t planning on it until recently, but not worth it. And so far the pillar of the community has stated his intentions to purchase a ticket to Austin and take care of me or Us. How exactly am I to take that as a brunch invitation?

Now we are all entitled to an opinion, I can take it. I just dont lay down when barked at for any reason. Maybe if I was given adequate time to correct this may be a different response would have been forthcoming. Perspective has a place as well and my perspective can and will differ from most especially when all the info isn’t in hand.


In My haste to defend, I overlooked the wisdom in your well thought out post. I digress in my approach to this, Thank you @topcloud for the perspective on this.


Thank you. All of you.

I consider @treenutter Jamie, as with @okp and @psychotiller and @winfly and @Sender and @mmaner and several more of you, lifelong friends. If Jamie needed me to help him move his family, I’d buy a plane ticket.

If I build 500 Vulkanik Kaijus and sell 12S4P dual 6374 completes for $1799 - am I helping the community, or just myself? I’d be straight-up competing with my friends, makes no sense.

Just speaking as a dude, what right do I have to interrupt the Hyperion Bros. relaunch with something as pedantic as a group buy? Cory and I discussed motors a while back and I made it clear: you guys always have right-of-way.

This happens, believe it or not, quite a bit. I’ve had the @evoheyax board here at my home for a month, @mikenyc sent me a link he found on Alibaba months ago (Mike and I buy stuff for no reason all the time lol), I received it and already had prepped to redesign when @Winfly told me this design was spoken for, by a total stranger in our community that I owe nothing to.

I halted work immediately with nothing but good wishes for @evoheyax - the money and time I wasted is in fact, the price of community. I am positively honored to be working with established brands like Trampa and new brands like MasterCarve and I do this for free, and I do not accept free equipment from friends. This is the price to keep this community going.

Recently, Jamie reminded me that once upon a time, here, if one wanted motor mounts that they had to /make/ them. Respect.

Let’s always keep in mind where we came from, as we all shape the future of esk8 together.

Love you guys, be good.


Just we are all clear. I’ve not seen any agreement going through my eyes that Cory and his brother had the right to resell my mounts. Unless I’m wrong - and I could be - there is a complete difference between an end user customer buying something and selling it, and a reseller.

I usually deal stuff face to face with facts and sometimes taking a plane to deal F2F with people helps more than anything else (people tend to always see brutality or fightclub behind but talking to people F2F is often very positive, especially because it removes a lot of barriers). That’s how you gain integrity and trust over years. I had my own battles too and I failed and also lost few of them. It’s human nature.

I fully accept your apologies and suggest to move on. I was preparing a big announcement soon to the community anyway but I need to find time for that. Lately I’ve been chasing time between the baby, the work, Paris event, videos and some insane food intoxication.

Stay tuned and ride on !


and last but not least, thank you @topcloud @brenternet @taz @pjotr47 @mutantbass @moon @mikedv @Mikaelj for the support. You guys are jewels. Topic closed !


Dats fuqed up yo. I thought we was foreva homos. I mean homies. Maybe both?


Tell him to bring back fresh pineapples

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Are you coming to CO?

You need to try this thing. Hopefully I have some 110s by then…

Or 111s… if you know what I mean… surely you do of all people.



cant wait for 111.


all I can share is the 111 is truly a new thing - it’s not just thane in a pretty shape, it is purposefully designed and formulated purely for esk8, without compromise - and if there’s a better way to debut the 111 than on a SenderSkates build, I don’t know of it. :slight_smile:


Wait, you still didn’t say if you were making it to Thunder or not!

Be there or be :stop_button:


took the LaPsycho to re-flash the settings. and bringing it up to a retreat. dont worry, it may or may not break.