Esk8 map of users

Ill claim my marker once youre done :clap:

Nicely done! I was really hoping to see more people in the Minnesota but I guess not so much :slight_smile: I’ll have to admin that I really struggled to add myself to the map, kept getting an error tha the URL was invalid. wasn’t till I saw this message that I was able to figure it out. I’d suggest adding this to the rider creation pop-up so others aren’t blocked

Hi, thanks for the feedback.

I don’t quite understand though. If you enter invalid nickname, you will get an alert telling you so ( unless you disabled alerts for the page ).

/rider/{nickname} URLs are not implemented yet on the client side and the whole UX needs to be improved.

I havn’t had enough time lately to do that but as soon as I have some spare time, I will rewrite the thing to angular and finish the UI, including the ability to modify the marker ( if email was provided ) and better search ( or GIS features in general ).

is it possible that it´s not working with internet explorer? tried your link and just see a white blank site…

Totally possible. I’m on Linux so I can’t really tell.

I tested it on Chrome, Firefox and their mobile versions.

Upcoming release should support all major browsers.

double checked it. with my iphone it is working, with internet explorer 11 it isn´t.

EDIT: will you include city names one day?

Yep! You will be able to search by areas.

If you want to see the boundaries and labels, change the map layer using the icon in the top right corner.

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So when I tried to add myself I entered my username from the site. added my email but had no idea what to input for the URL. wasn’t till I saw that post that it was clear to me at least that I needed to follow that format. Hope that helps. I wish we could get this added as part of the site as a whole. even if it was more general. I have my city and state added to my account profile and it would be awesome of we could pull that info from the site to populate the info on the map in order to see how many people are near you. It was kinda depressing to see that the next closest builder/rider is 50 miles away lol

So do you just mean that we’ll be able to search for a person by the city or that users could say they live in a certain city instead of having to pick a specific location? I could see some people not wanting to share the exact location.

The real question is not why it doesnt work with IE but why people are still using IE


By entering the location, I can reverse-geocode the town, county, state, country, etc. - thus no need to enter it.

If you don’t want to share the exact location, just put the marker somewhere in the middle of a town ( like I and many other people did ).

You will be able to lookup riders by the areas I mentioned above, this will be a part of the GIS.

As for the URL, it’s explained in the modal. Your nickname in a rider modal will become a link to this address - you can put your profile URL, instagram URL or whatever URL you want there.

The required URL pattern:

The explanation you quoted was unrelated to this.

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Who is the user name Jo in Trondheim Norway? Dude you live so far north!

Also what’s up with Trondheim? So many people have trampolines! Its like 1 in 4 homes have one, so weird.

The town looks really nice, every surface that is not a road is covered in grass.



Awesome work! Though I think I discovered a few issues…

The modal point forces to the center of the viewport so the modal actually goes off the page… This could be an annoyance for people with smaller displays :stuck_out_tongue: image

I’m also getting invalid URL when I try to put a URL… am I missing something? image image

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Thanks for the detailed report!

Okay, now I see what’s the problem with the URLs. Domain .builders is not a recognized as a valid TLD due to it’s length - will fix this now.

About the modal - I know about this issue although I havn’t decided how to fix it yet. I think I will just create a modal that will slide from the side covering 1/3 of the map and display the selected location by rendering a marker on the coordinates that the user clicked. Still havn’t figured out how to deal with mobile devices, will need to think more about it.

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Let’s bring this thread back to life!

Not sure if I ever added myself, I’ll do it in a few!

all alone in the middle of NY :laughing:

lucky dogs, having 20+ locals

my little blue dude isnt showing up :L guess I did it wrong


Just got mine updated, looks like there are a few within a good drive from me!

Same here, apparently only 2 boarders in all of Ohio on here

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I go to my families home in Kentucky…I was going to put that as a second location in case someone else was there…not too many riders out in tobacco land!

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Tobacco, coal, or nothing. Family there as well

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