Esk8 map of users

What part? We are in the western part of KY

Owensboro and Etown area whoop whoop

Going to a concert in Louisville in March

WTF!!! You’re kidding me! All of my family is from Owensboro!

Small damn world man, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else from there!

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Whaaaat! No one else can truly appreciate the odds here lol

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Yea dude, my mom was on my dad’s sisters softball team in highschool…everyone lives within like 25 miles of each other.

Do you know where Stanley, KY is? I believe its still within Davies County. That’s where my grandpa’s farm is!

Ask your parents if they know Stacey or Jon Moore lol

how do you edit an entry, mine is rather incomplete :slight_smile:

Hold down on your pin maybe? Or just drop a new pin. Your presence deserves it.

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lol, thank you sir. ill give it a try :slight_smile:.

Will do, I’ll shoot them a text right now…the name does sound oddly familiar.

Haha! I just got a message saying I’ve replied to @venom121212 too many times.

I’ll shoot you a pm.

Continue with the map everyone.

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Have to disappoint you mate :smiley: although have to admit I registered on website after you. Wanna go for a ride this spring season? I’m a bit tired from seeing all those e-scooters on streets.

Hmmm…anyone further north?



Video is unavailable for me and i can’t figure out how do do it.

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If your on mobile click the link of the map. Then long press where you want to add, and a prompt should pop up.

Doesn’t seem to work on mobile either, when i long press i just get the option to add a marker to my own lists.

Are you using the new map software available on

The first post wasn’t updated for quite a while and we switched from Google My Maps ( which has no permission system ) to this solution due to vandalism and people not knowing how to use the GMM properly, causing me headaches.

@DeathCookies could you update the first post, please?

I think, but I’m not certain, that posts so old need to be edited by mods and not OP as “edit” is no longer an option.

Could be, although the old map includes an information about its deprecation since the launch of the new one, maybe I need to make it a bit more clear.


Ahh, ok. I misread and somehow came to the conclusion that the google map is the new one :sweat_smile: Added myself now.