Elofty Direct Drive

I work until late. Just stuck in a bad sleep cycle. Well this place is perfect for a movie/TV series. Ever watch “The Wire”? My friends keep telling me that I’ll get mugged at some point, but I guess at this time muggers are fast asleep. Haha.

I just shoot my videos on my phone pixel 2 and they are automatically uploaded to photos.google.com. I can get a share link to the videos right from my phone that I just post here. I can also upload to YouTube but that’s one extra step.


Ah ok I see. YouTube is an extra step thsts why I wondring about it. No I have never seen The Wire but indeed looks a perfect landscape for creepy situations. Don’t tell me about bad sleep cycles. I also get easily into it.

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Indeed - there’s 18 windings - that you can count through the screw holes after removing the wheel adapter. How much is the reported difference? I’d guess 20 magnets…

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with 18 windings must be different amount of magnets. As u guys know.

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Ahhh yes. With 20 magnets the distance is perfect. That’s what I had calculated a long time ago. But Kenna had said 18 magnets. I guess she was wrong or just confused with number of stator poles herself.

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Car-1, esk8-0

Just I was about to get the Metr pro from home. What luck. The lady didn’t look and made a sharp left turn right into me. Turned as hard as I could but still bumped into her. Skateboard went under her wheels. Deck is cracked and one 3D printed hub destroyed. Truck seems fine. IMG_20190422_185428 IMG_20190422_185518 IMG_20190422_185957 IMG_20190422_190000


Oh no :frowning: at least it was the front and not the drives


How did the conversation post crash go? Do you hope on receiving any sort of payment for the damage done?

Sorry to hear about the board but glad you came out of it okay.


She said she was late for church and left. Didn’t give me any insurance information. I called 911 and gave her license plate. Someone was supposed to come but I waited for 45 mins and then left. I’ll contact her insurance, given I have her on video discussing the incidence.

Edit: I have her insurance information now, let’s see how it goes with her insurance company.


I wonder how her church buddies would feel about this…

I’m glad you’re safe :+1:t4:


I’m glad you are safe. :blush:

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Happy you are discussing about insurance. You are safe and that is what matters


Perhaps it is due to you not going in a straight line. This would add up to the distance too.

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As pointed by Lucifer above, there are 18 stator poles. So magnets is probably 20(can’t be 18). When I fixed that the distance now is very close to 3.2km and it’s what’s reported by my other esk8.

Get back down below where you belong you devil.

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ahahahah :joy:

Hey guys! Do you get the motor temp on the focboxes? Mine is always 0 with these motors.

I don’t even have a wire for temperature. It’s something we must ask them to implement.

EDIT: Just talked to Kenna. She said people can request for temperature sensor when placing the order and they have motors with integrated sensors ready.

Also, she confirmed that they have 20 Magnets and that she thought I was asking about stator poles.


I have an old wowgo2s Board with Sanyo Battery. can i just buy this set - https://lofty-skateboard.com/collections/home/products/electric-skateboard-direct-drive-motor-with-trucks-remote-control and assemble it together plug and play style? or i need to do more fine tuning etc?

sorry for the noob question. thank you very much!