Discussion about DIY vendors, delivery delays, communication, and transparency

ehrm, what you are describing here has nothing to do with bipolarity…

within the field of psychiatry different personalities would rather be called dissociative identity disorder, and what you’re mentioning here doesn’t resemble that either.

Throwing psychiatric diagnoses at others for whatever reason is not very classy (unless you’re @chaka’s psychiatrist… are you? :joy:).

now I’m going to crawl back into my cave.


it’s not a literal diagnosis obviously…

You don’t say?!

My personal TLDR:

  • @Photorph wants to warn potential esk8ers what they are getting themselves into when shopping for DIY e-boards. Makes some exaggerated claims but they have truth in them.
  • .builders community takes out pitchforks
  • Vendors come in and tell another story
  • Things get really personal with people he knows
  • Me no like

It should of gone like this:

  • @Photorph wants to warn potential esk8ers what they are getting themselves into when shopping for DIY e-boards. With a few examples.
  • Some .builder members come in and acknowledge that delivery times, maintanance and spending time on troubleshooting are a real thing. And probably also mention that buying a DIY board will almost certainly mean troubleshooting yourself OR have longer downtimes due to repairs by the vendor. As maintenance is something that can’t be avoided.
  • Some other .builder members come in and share good story’s about vendors and tell that they are innovators who are human and make mistakes but that they make the most sexy boards on the planet

Did he really say weird things?


This is what I see. Sifting out all the name-calling and hateful remarks it does resemble your second synopsis.


I generally like to stay out of these discussions, and to me this seems like another armadillo enclosure thread, but this?

Boosted boards comes to the top of my head very quickly


Isn’t this how things work in kickstarter-land?

People pay for a product they’re unlikely to ever receive

People wait

and wait


and a few lucky ones eventually receive a product

Product breaks

Seller goes awol

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this is fair!

This is not, it’s not made up facts. How is it made up that I was lied to? How is it made up that a few customers contacted me (i’ve sent screenshots in PMs to someone). Others privately contacted me, not me actively contacting them. I have no personal grudges with any person. I’m not a shill, I promote products and companies that are doing well.

Not with these sellers…

This thread is getting quite civil.

He made up facts He attacked people with personal remarks He actively contacted others privately and lied to spread disinformation He deals in generalisation and vague non committal bullshit He is damaging the reputation of small businesses and human beings He is turning personal grudges into inflammatory reddit posts He’s a SHILL. Social media history makes this clear as day He wants attention, internet fame and validation

This guy is a cock, you’re all welcome to get civil and talk it out but all this crap still exists. Fuck him.


Man this is way too much to read for a thread that is not even a day old!

I think the wording, warning, bitching, crying, whatever you want to call it is way over blown. I’ve nudged people to Damon, Dave, Bara, Jamie and a bunch of other makers over the years because I know they take care of their customers, but as a disclaimer I also ALWAYS tell them that this is a DIY community of people where we often tinker with things in order to perfect them. They aim for the highest quality and workmanship in order to promote and maintain their brand and have tinkered to the near perfection they sell. The customers gets taken care of because word of mouth in this realm speaks volumes.


Night night btw :kissing_heart:

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this is fair!

This is not, it’s not made up facts. How is it made up that I was lied to? How is it made up that a few customers contacted me (i’ve sent screenshots in PMs to someone). Others privately contacted me, not me actively contacting them. I have no personal grudges with any person. I’m not a shill, I promote products and companies that are doing well. People accused me of being a shill for LHB as well… I voice what is happening, LHB delivered a board that had crazy specs so I spoke about that, that’s not shilling. Later on I had issues so I spoke about those. Lacroix delivered an awesome product, so I promote that. If that’s a shill, then sure…label me a shill.

Hey guys… Fuck you all. Your dumb and you stink like real shitheads. :wink:

(Lame attempt to divert the attention when in reality I love you all… )

@brenternet Get some rest. I see you typing dude!


You’re drowning in your own inconsistency. Earlier you knew 80% of the customers of diy vendors abandoned their boards and were unhappy.

Then you had loads of contact with many people all expressing the same doubts and feeling the same way.

Now a few people have contacted you and you’re not sure if you can trust the comments they made?

Bullshit. You’re backtracking. Standard behaviour of a shill with no spine


In all kindness, may I draw your attention to the fact that this is going way off topic here and I’m fingering the flag button.


no fingering $300 penalty


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Do you have the figures of how many boards were sold and delivered vs how many ppl never got a board? For carvon it’s more like no one has gotten a board so that 80% figure is a conservative estimate.

For Ollin do you know how many boards were built vs how many per orders there were?? I’ve seen 4 boards being shipped max, based on his own instagram. Of those 4 boards 2 users are active online. Are there more boards that were shipped?? Only Ollin would know. But even if 3 people contacted me and didn’t get a board and there is me as well, that’s already at least half or more ppl who didn’t get boards vs ppl who did.

LHB boards, do you know how many he has sold? I followed every build he has on his insta (as best as I could). Most people have either sold their boards or don’t have it for one reason or another. Lhb himself posted about 5 boards and their fate. So how is it not a fact that most of his boards come back OR were sold off? Find the percent of people who had an LHB that never came back, didn’t have issues, and are still with the owner.

That is all I was saying with that 80% estimate… it’s better than you dismissing my claims without doing any research. I cannot have the hard numbers, so I have to do my best to estimate for all those vendors. Do you have better numbers?? Tell me how many carvon evos were delivered vs how many were ordered… tell me how many ollins were pre-ordered vs delivered, tell me how many LHB boards were sold vs how many are still with original owner in original form. You can’t! I am not back tracking anything. And yes even 1 person reaching out to me is a lot… but when there’s 3-4 with the same issues that is “loads” to me given the volumes we are dealing with.

I provided said Torqueboards shirt :grin: