DAVEga: Battery monitor, odometer, speedometer

So, Dave is in da house image

Sure it will need some sanding and finishing, but that’s for now the new home of my speedometer. Together with the two focboxes close by and will be top mounted on the battery pack between my legs.


Here’s v3 of my DaVeGa riser.

It has 2 button slots for use with these buttons, a standard 6x6x4.5 momentary switch. It has 2 button holes with button covers, use super glue to secure the button cover to the buttons.


I already started on it. I should be able to finish it in one or two hours. I’m just having hard time to find that time since either there’s other things or I’m too tired to code in the evening. I think I’ll make it before Xmas though.


I don’t see a good and easy way to do that. One problem is that I don’t have the buttons connected to the interrupt enabled pins on the MCU (that was a mistake), so I have to detect the button-press in a clunky way.

One easy thing I could do, though, is that the button 1 would reset the session data AND the coulomb counter (if enabled by a preference). That would make the button 2, which only resets the coulomb counter almost redundant. You wouldn’t be able to reset coulomb counter without resetting the session data as well (trip distance, min/max values), but I guess that’s not a big deal.


That sounds pretty good to me. :+1:

. . . Just thinking here :thinking: an option of auto reset on full charge would be nice for some people.

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Hmm yeah but braking while in the 90%+ range may cause the battery to momentarily hit 100% and reset the data. Maybe if there was a time delay for the reset.


Or if your pack is older and displays 0.something under your max voltage set. I suppose it would take the reading from the charger still at max voltage.

Sorry, what I meant to say was not that they were shipping from the US, but rather they offer a 12-20 days shipping option to the US. The effect is that they arrive 10-30 days sooner than others with different shipping options.


The thingiverse page still shows ‘v2’ in your newer design’s title/headline


I did find illuminated ones for those who need more bling. But I did not like the way they look like robot nipples.

and are $1.80 each. image


HAHAHA! Get @brenternet in here cause he’s going to need some replacement nips. Might as well upgrade and get some bling bling.


Wish I would’ve known you needed some of these. I can get a ton of different buttons kinda like this at work for free or basically free. Some have screw in terminals, LEDs, ect.

IMG_20181210_171914 IMG_20181210_171952


I renamed it, I should really learn to proof my own typing :grinning:

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I actually like the DaVeGa name a LOT better. @janpom you should adopt it LoL


Glad that you think so because it’s already implemented. You guys should really read through all the config options. :smiley:

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That’s a very good point. I never thought of that. It would only reset the coulomb counter, not all the session data. It would still be wrong though. I wonder what are the odds of that happening and if it’s worth worrying about.

There’s a configurable minimal voltage raise to assume the battery has been charged. You could always set it to high enough value to prevent this brake-reset problem. The autoreset may then not happen if you started charging from half full, but then you just reset manually.

Or did you mean complete session reset? Not just the coulomb counter?

Yeah I mean all session data except for total distance. Same as the button 1-2 combination.

I see. Currently only coulomb counter is automatically reset on full charge, but I could add an option for resetting all session data on full charge. Total distance is not (won’t be) included in the session data and it will only be possible to reset it by updating FW (same as now).

PM’d regarding these buttons :grimacing: