DARTH VAPOR street fighter & offroad version | 130KV | VESC6 FOC | 12S12AH (x2) | CUSTOM X-MOUNT & CARBON DECK cover

Okay !

I basically finish the setup, I put my protection, Iā€™m preparing to go out :star_struck:
and there during the test empty ā€¦
I realize that there is a loud problem! ā€¦ :sweat:


I have yet done the programming (vesctool 0.94), as usual, and everything is normally and well spent (Wizard, FOC, sensored ā€¦ ppm etc. canbus ā€¦).

But it looks like ā€¦ I do not know hell, the more I put the gas over it cog and vibrates with crazy sounds. I never saw that before. Did this happen to someone?

I only change the motor on my last setup (and le drive system, but the drives works well when tested empty), and place the VESCs in the center now, nothing crazy (just add 20cm of extension wire and the 60cm sensor wire extension). :face_with_monocle:

So ā€¦ :

  1. Iā€™m going to redo the extensions phases wires I guess (as they were a bit too short anyway)

  2. all recheck at the welds and connections.

  3. As well as update to the penultimate version.

And,ā€¦ I will see.

  1. Then, the last solution, to put the VESC back again (top of the motors ā€¦ ), but I do not see why it would walk again and not there ?!

During this time, it is a beautiful WE, with +20Ā°C outside (almost +25Ā°C exposed) and I just can pedaling on my bike :sweat_smile:

Another photo to give you a little something during the restart ā€¦

What a pleasure to go back on it !! :hugs: I feel really good, and it carves damn more than the old setup, really too eager to ride!


Hi e-riders !

Ok, so! After this little adventure, I proceeded to debug and change extension wires (with longer), new fw (3.40), and I was able to finally try this madness, but very / too short (just a few kilometers for testing)!

Very quiet (and short so) little test ride yesterday (yes, the video is a little useless, but I was too happy to finally ride mini 1: 5 MBS M2 extra large! :crazy_face:)

And, a longer ride tonight :blush: so peaceful !! (itā€™s been 8 months without riding a monster :smile:).
I will show you more tomorrow :v:


No doubt me and you can hang. Just went through some of your videos. And this joint


Mobb Deep!.. utmost respect from me.

But in terms of your board. Thats the shit i wsnt to build for my first e-mtb. That is a fierce build!


haha :relaxed: ā€¦ yeah, this summer was so intense for me ā€¦ so much good memory listening to this song since I was kids until now !
Iā€™m sure to listen to it every month minimum ^^

haha, the 1st proto with BLDC and chain a bit too tighten :smile: La Sulfateuse !!! :crazy_face::zap::zap: https://youtu.be/zSdAP8ComFk?t=41

The difference now is soooo crazy !!!


Great evolution of your board :ok_hand:

I love how the motors disappear with the gear drive, looks dope!. Do you know what was the problem with your motors (jesus that sound :open_mouth:)? The wires, maybe firmware?

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:blush: thanks Rich !!

HAha, 2nd ride was great with the good weather ! Cool cruising in the city.
Still not a long ride but it was good (forgot to start the record ā€¦) https://youtu.be/K2Bd197dET8

But today, going to my grandmotherā€™s place to have a drink ā€¦ :



:fist: :tired_face: hooray! itā€™s the WE !!


I have done maybe 15/20km totally ā€¦ :persevere: so much frustration, and I still not try it in OffRoad.
Now, the magnet (the one vibrating at 1st) is definitely loose!! I can hear it grinding the stator. So I have to stop riding yesterday.

One week later my 1st mail, I get an email from FlipSky telling me that they will come to me soon ā€¦

Then, Friday, I got an email telling me something like :
ā€œwhere did you get them? we do not sell 6380 motors.ā€

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :no_mouth: :rofl: :

I swear, I do not 'toshop this! ^^

Well, as I suspect since the begging, itā€™s happening !.. Battle startedā€¦


Ok, they beleave me now :blush: They ask me to open it to see if itā€™s not a bearing or a loose magnet :

In fact, they are all loose, I can move them individually :no_mouth:

If you compare a 2018 motor (FS) with my 1st one from 2013 (on the left), itā€™s day and night :

On the old APS, all magnets are resined/glued on the rotor with retaining ring both side, pretty clean (as the Maytech).

Also, I was modeling wedges for the corners of the central box, and I think Iā€™ll try to get the vesc out. Itā€™s not that practical in the covercles, every time I want to open it.
So I mod something like this (maybe with the heatsink inside) :

And I realise that I havenā€™t shared all the detailled photo here !

ā€¦ bye bye ^^


Great stuff. And a killer soundtrack and effects, we need to get you a follow me drone

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Thanks a lot, mate !!! :smile: it was a totally unnecessary vid. 1st test, around 25/30kmh max speed and just on road :sweat_smile:

But Iā€™m glad it affect you like me !! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

About the new MadBox, vertically, a front panel heatsink will looks so cool ā€¦ but then, itā€™s a pain in @ss to access to the vesc.
I will definitely let the heatsink/holder ā€œinsideā€ so.

This is what I was thinking about :


I try patiently to take care while waiting for a return of FS following their request for photo motor open, following their request, more than a week ago ā€¦ since, it is again the complete radio silence!
Each message, I must wait more than a week to hope an answer,ā€¦ it is really very painful and frustrating ā€¦ (!!!)

Well, I will set other older motors laying around I guess ^^ (except that I have to make custom shaft for the Geared Drive).

I also received the extender (link shared by @banjaxxed ) but I make a mistake, itā€™s not the same step screw, I didnā€™t pay attention to that :sweat_smile: sh!t (plus the bearing didnā€™t fit right on it)
It was a so cool solution to make this MBS Gear Drive compatible with 9" !.. (Maybe they exist in the same step or we should order some specific one ?)
Others solution is to buy Megastar and new e-toxx adaptor (ā€¦ around 4/500ā‚¬ ā€¦)
Maybe 8" is finally fine :joy::rofl:ā€¦ no,:no_mouth:, I would not give up there !

And make new axle, for the hanger, sound also maybe to much to solve the issue.

:v: :face_with_monocle:

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Fucks Sake?

Oh nooooo are you tell me the pitch is wrong? I havenā€™t gotten mine yet

The pitch on 12mm trucks for both Trampa and MBS should be 1.75 afaikā€¦the wide pitch

We could get someone to run up some adaptors with the correct pitchā€¦

Or get plain tube bored to smaller size and tap it yourself?

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^^ Flipsky.

Yes, sorry, pitch (! not step :sweat_smile:) isnā€™t the same ā€¦ I guess ā€¦ Idk if itā€™s because I can screw it well by hand or if itā€™s the pitch. But it doesnā€™t seam easy. ! Maybe with a m10 screw on the other side the help ā€œscrewingā€ (I will try if I find some).

Also the bearing didnā€™t fit too ^^ maybe they have to be pressed.

donā€™t force it! In fact stop trying altogether, the pitch on those adaptors is 1.75mm (coarse).

I 've taken a closer lookā€¦I think the pitch is 1.5mm on M12 mountainboard trucks? @mbs @trampa would that be true?

ā€¦and sorry. I guess I should have confirmed but was excited to share a possible workaround

Probably it is not designed to be used in this way, so 15mm would be a ballpark figure rather than machined to within 0.01mm tolerance, I am not sure on the caliper-measured size, but probably they could be spun on a drill to fitā€¦but no point if they are the wrong pitch

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ho donā€™t worry, absolutly not your fault mate ! I should take a look too, like you say, to much excited :smile:

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Damnit! Iā€™m lost on this @Nowind Jenso any clue what size and pitch the end of those axles are?

7/16 INCH 20T UNF for 12mm axle


Thanks Rich, god help us Riako. That pitch is very close to 1.25mm, but close is not the way to go

So metric is not going to work :thinking:

Sounds like a custom machining job for us


The stock extender is

15m OD, total length 41.5mm including hex end

From the plain end of the extender -

  • 11.6mm smooth bore, 17.5mm length >
  • 7/16" 20TPI NF threaded 13.5mm length >
  • 10mm 1.5mm pitch grub screw hole, 10.5mm length

If the 7/16 part was 5-6mm longer, this would be perfect. The hex on the end is not completely necessary, it can be replaced with a bolt to keep the hub on & reduce machining cost/hassle.

Maybe steel spacers with M8 hole in 15mm OD like this

Drill it 36mm in with a 25/64" bit (cobalt) like this

And tap it with a 7/16 20TPI UNF tap

Come in from the other side with a M10 drill bit and tap for the bolt

I do not think ā‚¬4/500 is the way forward. No plans to buy myself out of this with Megastars and Trampa adaptors either (I hope!)

Sorry @Riako last spam on your build thread ā€¦ maybe itā€™s easier than that, simply get someone to lathe off the hex on the stock extender, instant extra 6mm, then use M10 bolt in place of the grub

@rey8801 any chance we could impinge on your good nature for dollah?