Custom. Affordable. Decks

Fixed it for you :grinning:

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Yes, the same enclosures work. The deck is 100% the same for the first 29”. The back 2” are the kictail


So your custom decks are just flat pieces of wood? You can get generic $30 blank decks that look/function better than this.


This. SkateShred has a very good selection of decks at a pretty low price

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No they are not flat decks, read the thread

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Possible to make a deck with holes in like this?

Did you happen to take any pictures on your process yet?

By ply…do you mean just plywood you can get from a hardware store? Or are you alternating you ply’s grains?


If you want to show what you can do, a flat piece of wood is not the way to do it.

Show us something interesting.


Pressed this yesterday with my rubberband press dont @ me :triumph::triumph: :100:


sorry bored in class :sleeping:


@Charster10 is there a reason why you have the faces as cross core veneer? The decks appears to be the standard thickness but if your saying its 15 plys how thick are your pieces of veneer?

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I didn’t want to make a concaved deck for me though, there’s no point me making a deck that I don’t want just to show off what I can do

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Feedback has been given, what you do with it is up to you.

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I made my deck with a proper press i built, I just decided to build it flat?

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It wasnt really a rag on you, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

Just seems like everyone’s taking the piss out of me for no reason when I’m trying to help people out by building them for way cheaper than other decks sell for but yanno


I think you should create a more in depth post about what types of decks you have made, and what you can make.

I agree its a little pissy in here but when the market is so aggressive, you cant really come to the table with a concaveless deck :man_shrugging: There is a ‘science’ to designing decks, its your choice to apply it or not

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In the past I’ve only made like 20 vanguard style decks, all with concaves like the original bamboo deck, aside from that I may have made a couple custom ones in the past, I didn’t photograph any of them though, I don’t know why I didn’t. I can literally make any style anyone wants, with a concave or drop down. I built a concaveless deck because I wanted it like that, I’m adding feet strap things so a concave for me would be pointless. @anon64938381

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Im sure you wouldnt make a concave-less deck for yourself without a plan, we just didnt know that :slight_smile:

And no pictures? tisk tisk see if you can get in contact with any of your previous customers :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure I’ll @ some

You are getting the same treatment every other vendor who comes here saying they can make “Blah” for cheaper gets:

Questions about how you made it:

  1. tools used
  2. materials used
  3. pictures of process
  4. Is a deck press being used

People want to know how stuff gets made. I can go cut sheets of plywood into whatever shape and try and sell them. People would ask the same questions.

Post all the stuff listed above and the tone will change immediately.