Configuration and telemetry for VESC [iOS, Android]

Not really an answer but if you use Android and hit accept at some point Google keeps track of your trip history. I like to go back and relabel all the stuff it assumes I’m driving or biking with skateboarding to see my total travel distance and get a nice map.

Or go to or open on your smartphone and go to the menu then Timeline.

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Try increasing “Start delay”, this might help. For example, set it to 30 or 60 seconds? Actually “Prefer GPS” should be enabled in a very specific cases, when the motor does not spin all the time (think freewheel). If you do not have a freewheel, do not enable “Prefer GPS”. Your distance and speed will be calculated more accurately based on wheel diameter and motor RPM.

What happens if you try to reinstall it again? Does it help? PM me and we can sort this out, maybe your module needs replacement :confused:

I published an update which in addition to module alias and mileage stats has a couple more things:

  • displays correct voltage when used with Extended firmware (not multiplied by 10). Ping @rwxr @Michael319
  • adds more data to JSON (ah, ahRegen, whRegen, elapsedAh, elapsedAhRegen, elapsedWhRegen, rpm) - thanks to @hexakopter for the idea!
  • for the new records displays regen in the web view

Hey Roman,

Your beta tester from a while back here. Just wondering if you’re still using 115200 as the baud rate for your module. I was under the impression that a lower rate (like 9600) is more reliable. I noticed there were a lot of connection issues on my beta unit.

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Yes, I am still using 115200. If you have USB to TTL converter you can change the baud rate of the module by sending AT+BAUD4 (this is 9600) command. Change back to 115200 by sending AT+BAUD8. I also have issues with connection on my board during high peak currents, but I never thought changing the baud rate may help with this. I will test your suggestion, thanks!

From what I understand higher baud rates give faster data transfer speeds, but is more sensitive to data loss and affected by cable length, while lower rates have slower speeds, but are more reliable. I think this is why 9600 is default for a lot of applications.

Thanks man…

So damn cool :heart_eyes:

Okay, I’ll leave prefer GPS disabled then. It just seems like it won’t update the map with enough points for the overlay then… (the location/route tracker is very un-detailed) :slight_smile:

I don’t think I need a replacement, because I just tested with an iOS 10 device, and it works. So it must be an iOS 11 compatibility issue. :slight_smile:


Where do i excactly se elapsedAh ??

It’s not visible, but if you go to this url and scroll down you will find "ah":0.68

No, the points are taken as usual. The number of points is the same if you have “Prefer GPS” enabled or not.

I have enabled “Use Location” and disabled “Prefer GPS”

Arh you going to implement it in a more nice way, like top speed, duration etc. ??

@Jinra I just came from a long ride with BAUD rate 9600 and it was much much better, I did not have any connection problems, even during high currents. 9600 is still enough to send packets with 250ms interval, so I think it’s a winner. Thank you again for this suggestion. I will think about some user-friendly way to change the module’s BAUD rate from the VESC without unplugging, maybe by introducing extra command. In the meantime if someone has connection problems because of high BAUD rate you can PM me and we will figure out how to change.

@Silverline I am running out of space on that row so I don’t know really :sweat_smile: Have you checked this?

Yep… i already have done that. But i don`t look at my phone, while i’m riding, so i was hoping that it was easy to se when i check my recording afterwards. Instead of energy in Wh, i would love to have amp hours spend :slight_smile:

Then it would be easy to se, how long i can ride at for example 1 Amp

Glad i could help!

Hey Roman, some of my app’s settings have been resetting quite frequently since the last update. It seems to be happening every few days. It will remember things like Motor parameters, but the following parameters keep resetting back to defaults:

  • Battery voltage (S)
  • Automatic Records (ON/OFF and start/stop delays)
  • System (Metric/Imperial)
  • Theme (White/Dark)

I’ve been using this app for several months now, and this issue only just started recently. Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks!

I have the same bug with remember battery S as well. If i set it to 6s, and push back on my android mobile , the app gets in the bacground, if i then open the app again and push back, and open again the batteri settings returnes to default 10s

@jmasta @Silverline thank you for reporting the bug. I am on it.

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The perimetr app keeps saying that my VESC has unsupported firmware. It says the support firmware version is 2.18. I’ve tried the 2.18 VESC_4_10_plus and 2.18.2 VESC_4_10_plus from the github here:

Do I not use the plus firmware versions? Do you have firmware that supports watt control mode?

What kind of VESC do you have?