Complete Drive System for sale (formerly Motor Mount with Dual Idlers and Custom Made CNC Motor Mounts)

@Linny your board is on display :smiley:

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And now upgraded to the new version with crossbars :smirk: Dual 6355 running on 15mm belts.

If motor clearance is an issue, add washers where the crossbars meet the mount. I had to add five on each side because i was using @JLabs pulleys which brought the wheel out by about 3~4mm.


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I actually own those mounts now. HAHA.

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Ugh, I hate you all, lol. I was just at peace with the 12mm decision and now you’re making me second guess myself,lol.

I’m just shy of 200lbs (90kg) and like the idea of looser belts so I can push a little if needed. I’ll be running dual motor and probably going to order a 14 or 16/36 setup on 90mm wheels. Most people seem to be fine with 12’s but I also tend to overbuild on anything I do. I’ll give it another day or two… That dual mount is pretty badass though, @marcmt88.

@linny, were you running mid or long mounts with the dual 12mm belts? Also, why did you upgrade?

When i was on the dual 12mm, i was on the short ones because i was using 80mm Kegels. But before upgrading the mounts i hooked on 100mm Boas and they fit fine, so apparently big wheels can fit the short mounts.

They were getting a bit dinged and beat up due to the small wheels making it lower to the ground. The new ones with the crossbars looked nice and came anodized so i pulled the trigger :joy:

Is there a 15mm wheel pulley or is it only 13 or 16mm

And also what caliber trucks can I use with this kit

I have 14, 15, and 16t motor pulleys,

Cal II,

I don’t mean teeth I meant how wide are the pulleys?

Like it says 13 or 16mm Pom for the drive pulley and also 12 or 15mm belt. There’s not an option on the website to put it in it just says what there is.

Sorry, misunderstood you. Standard POM pulleys come in 13 or 16mm wide. I can also customize to any width. To order the proper size, specify in “NOTE” during check out. Please note: 12mm belts are very limited in size.

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Oh ok got it. These are the trucks right?:Caliber Trucks Cal II 50° RKP Longboard Trucks (Black)

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Which width would make the board go fastest? 13 12 15 or 16mm?

Speed and torque are based on the ratio of your pulley setup. For example: -15/36t has a higher speed than 15/44t.

Well i would be doing 36/16

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So which width is the fastest for that setup

Width has no effect on speed. But wider is stronger.

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Wider pulleys give better torque performance. The don’t effect speed. For single motor setup, I highly recommend 16mm wide pulley.