Cheap Ass 6x2 Pneumatic Belt Setup. 3D printed Pulley/ Vex Versa Pulley. Thingiverse link in post #534

Man this looks sleak! Top Build! Any specs?

How does it ride with this drop through deck?! Is it stable on higher speeds?!

And where did you get this deck from? It is beautiful!! :slight_smile:

I have still to choose a dropdown or a dropthrough deck.


I will be posting a build thread that will answer all your questions shortly stay tuned!


Choose a drop down and if you get that deck(skateshred bamboo) that @M.Hboards is using then get the version coated in fiberglass. I am saying that because it cracked on me.


Looks fantastic man! Those are 3D printed enclosure segments right? Whatā€™s your plan for preventing water ingress?

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Yeah there 3d printed. I donā€™t normally ride in the rain but there is silicone adhesive that seals the enclosure and holds the pieces together and a neoprene gasket between the enclosure and the deck.

Did it snap in half or did the grains split? You contact skateshred? When prototyping mine split and they sent me a new one for free!

this! I been rocking this new re-boot for a few daysā€¦ a billion times better than my first skateshred deck like mhboards hasā€¦but when u dont know better u dont know betterā€¦ its so buttery smooth and carvy yet rigidā€¦almost feel like im pumping it at high speed vs ā€œhigh speed carvingā€


@ron, I recommend this deck. $35 shipped to you and quality as good as skateshred(I happen to have both)

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damn thats a stealā€¦and you could use yur own gripā€¦or glass frit =/ I went with the yocaher cuz it came pre gripped and Im getting a lil tired DIYing everything lolā€¦ needed something to be done already and save me a lil timeā€¦ but really would love to have a glass frit board with and interesting base color

Yeah, I wanted to do something exotic with respect to colors and frits, so the blank deck is perfect.

Hey, thank you very much for your help and link to this deck. Sad the shipping is 35USD to Europe. If the shipping wouldnā€™t be so high I would have bought it! :slight_smile:

I need to look for a good/cheap drop down deck here in europe/germany. So I know now that itā€™s going to be a drop down deck.

Man, I can not thank you enough for your kind help! :slight_smile:



Hey im using these wheels for a hummie build. Im using the SR RKP 10mm. I took the bearings out & tried replacing eith 10mm bore bearings but the diamater of the bearing doesnt fit. Which bearing fit in the hun for 10mm ?? Someone here posted these but its gonna come out like over $50 for 8 bearings :worried: any other options or link

Iā€™m in the same place , only with tkpā€¦ I think Iā€™m going to put the wheels on the lathe and turn the seats to 26mm. Thereā€™s loads of 26 x 10 bearings out there.

So are those the only bearing options i have ???

@murloc992 changed the bearings I think. He should have better suggestions for you. If you search above he wrote a guide to change the bearings too.

I still havenā€™t touched my bearings.

WHat belt lenght would be good for the Dickyho long Caliber mount on TB218 with 60T Wheel Pulley (15t motor pulley)?


Also if you are buying dickyhoā€™s mount I would also suggest to go buy this pulleys for these wheels(as well as the wheels themselves). They will be bullet proof.

@dickyho. What is the axis axis distance from long mount?

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the axis axis distance from long mount is 95mm


@ron with idlers I use 400mm. Can even go as far as 420mm with maximum idler engagement using 608 bearings. Use the calculator @mishrasubhransu provided to find one to use without idlers. :slight_smile:

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