Carvon Discussion

I really hope Chaka gets through in some way or form. Even better if he ended up making some high end direct drive motors at a similar level to hummies as it seems that other vendors are struggling to meet those expectations.

I spent a long time chatting to Jerry - almost annoying him with kindness and late afternoon messages/chats to get my gear out of him and even then what I got wasn’t what I had ordered. It just sucks seeing someone put so much time and others put so much money into something like this and end up with a court case and some grumpy faces rather than sick motors/boards and smiles :frowning:

Good on yah @chaka for trying. If anything I hope it instills some faith back into the community :slight_smile:


Maybe that’s illegal in Cali to record private convo. How bout u just say u were kidding.


Assuming this is true, this guy deserves nothing less than jail.

The dude stole peoples money plain and simple and this is where he should be.

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well not in my case, this is Jerry talking to someone face to face, that someone decided to share that info with me in his own voice via voice message. within said voice message he said don’t share it unless Jerry doesn’t respond. Then I got his blessing before posting in within a private message here.


@caustin well at this point it seems legal because, it was NOT a recording, and it was NOT from Jerry’s mouth. And I GOT the approval to post the VM from the person talking…literally within the message itself.


sounds legal for sure. I didn’t read the thread!

I forget what states you can record a private conversation if youre in it but sounds like a fair freedom to me. how about the freedom to record other peoples private convos?! I mean not the government.


no biggie. I should have worded it better.

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Spill the tea over to my DM’s lol

Why not just barge in on the PM like your supreme leader? :rofl:

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You obviously have a problem with me.

If you didn’t know, mods can’t do that.



Admin as in double badge or single badge. Important clarification


I get pms from people that have been strung along and never received their V3’s. Insanity

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So your fearless leader could have done that? What would compel such a strong, confident, leader to do such a thing?

Don’t even know why you’re talking about this to me for.


I’m a carvon exo backer, pissed AF and located in california. im not a member here though so can we get another group chat going or something?

Where in California?

can you share with me as well? Im 2k down the hole :frowning:

You obviously have a problem with me. If you didn’t know, mods can’t do that.

Just giving you guys a well deserved ribbing for all the banning, deleting posts, editing peoples hyper links, invading PM’s etc… Are you telling me none of that happened? If you are not complicit in this I will apologize for lumping you in with the goon squad.


Apology Accepted :wink: