“ANKLE SNAPPER 2000” - Redemberboards Shuggah #001 - 100mm MBS wheels/6 inch pneumatic HYBRID - 10s - 192kv Sk3

Oh. That’s new. Great board though!

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No seriously though, I think these might really hurt somebody if I crash. Probably gonna get some covers to make the bolts look even more badass. Anyways I’ll be moving these beautiful 6 inch pnuematics to the redember deck once I finish stickerbombing the enclosure (So far all I have is a settlers of Catan sticker and @psychotiller stickers XD) and dealing with a 12s @torqueboards ESC issue, as it tends to overheat and I am not about to cut a giant hole in my enclosure to solve the problem. Maybe recycling an old xbox heatsink would do the trick? 666_2 It’s freaking huge, but I have the space in my enclosure. More worried about the weight at this point, my board is quickly approaching 50 pounds.


About damn time…


Fuck yea dude! should name it the “Ankle Snapper 2000”


Now that I have acquired two gopros and some accessories, I’ll be making videos while riding the board. I also plan to make one on the cost of a board like this… I got rediculously lucky with timing on certain items as the entire setup didn’t cost that much:

Pneumatic wheels Enclosures - 85$ 10S6P Batteries/Charger - 120$ shipped (eBay deal, cheap amazon charger hacked up to xt60) Drivetrain/Motor Setup/trucks - 250$ (Torqueboards V3 Kit, with discount Code) Deck - 110$ 12S ESC - 75$ (used, got partial refund due to some problems) Misc - 25$ Total = about 750$

Keep in mind, I could’ve also saved money by not using the expensive deck, which would’ve potentially kept the cost below 600$ (I would never do that though because this is one of the best decks I’ve ever ridden)

P.S. - for new members, this price isn’t not realistic for 99% of boards, and I fully intend to spend more money and upgrade to things like Aluminum hubs and a FOCBOX later, so please don’t expect your first board to be like this. Also, this took a metric shit-ton of hours to complete the right way, the key is just to be patient and use your build thread to ask questions that the search bar can’t answer for you. Good luck, and I hope you enjoyed this build!

There ya go @GrecoMan :joy:




Just a little update… Startup and torque was a little lacking on a 10s 16:34T setup on 6” pnuemies, so i bought a 12t pulley. In order to avoid having to buy different size belts I just made a make-shift tensioner with the extra hole in my @torqueboards V3 mount. Super great torque now!


bwahahahahahahaha every time i see that tiny pulley on those huge wheels i burst out laughing :rofl:


I think you need these :slight_smile:



I plan to buy caps eventually… so far the theme has been red, black, and white, so I’m thinking maybe these…? http://www.widgetco.com/screw-thread-covers-protectors-10-1-2-black?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2snUBRDfARIsAIGfpqFvsn2-yStF-1-TAoFC6NsYallDJbOars1DOd6l7e2zcW-3d93geyAaAtX6EALw_wcB

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I have 10k of the black ones for 1/4im hardware, PM me an address and I’ll send you a hand full.

I heart this build!

In fact, I think your design, quite literally, represents state of the art for indie electric completes. Seeing that all the major components are sourced from this community… simply stellar, my brother.

My only suggestion is to consider “what-if” those extended bolts deform after impact with a curb (fine, kerb :wink: )


Thanks for the kind words! I try to support members of the community when possible, it becomes really easy to do so when community parts are the best in quality.

As for the Kerb-hitting problem… glad I bought extra bolts!


The first build I was also having overheating issues with TB 12s esc. My solution was installing a fan on top of the heat sink. Now no overheating issues. Another piece of advice is place a dime size amount of epoxy around the center of the fan. If this is not done, the fan blade will eventually come apart from all the vibration. GEDC0200 (640x428)


Thanks for the suggestion, however just today I retired my tb ESC. Right now I’m working on getting my ESCape (VESC6) to boot up… this is proving to be as difficult as expected

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oh god. you’re no longer a vesc-virgin!

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Idk… does it count if you can’t even figure out how to get it to connect? XD

Won’t show up on standard VESC or Ackmaniac BLDC startup tools

I’m just trying to be as patient as possible. The reason I’ve stuck with plug n play in the past is because I tend to rush and fuck it up

try different cable. some mini/micro usbs are only for power, not data transfer :wink:

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Got a new one. No such luck. I think it’s a detection problem with my Mac, it doesn’t have a serial adapter for usb. Stuck with this thing on Ack’s tool. 40 PM