“ANKLE SNAPPER 2000” - Redemberboards Shuggah #001 - 100mm MBS wheels/6 inch pneumatic HYBRID - 10s - 192kv Sk3

ewww you never said you were using a mac :nauseated_face:

try a pc.

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Mac’s all I got…

find someone with a real computer :wink:


Will do XD

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Im getting around 26miles of my 10s4p in a flat place Are you sure you need that much of Ah

Also if the wires will be long use thicker ones There is a chart on amps and wire gauge check it out

Man why dont I read the dates…

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Go to the library and use their computers. Grab a random book on electrical something or other, in case someone questions why your skateboard is plugged in to their PC’s. It’s applied research.


@GrecoMan @Mobutusan I’ve now tried it on a PC, nothing shows up. It’s like the device and the computer can’t communicate.

Have you tried a different USB cable? I have a few that work and a few that don’t. It has something to do with how they are made if I recall correctly

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Yes, like @GrecoMan said some have only two wires( red and black) which are only good for powering things and others have all 4 wires ( red,black and two data wires) these are the ones you need

Tried a 3rd USB cord. The first two must have been bad, but its connecting now. Thanks!


told ya :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Need some help guys… @stewii @GrecoMan @scepterr @gogomrrobot . I thought I had it and then this one’s throwing me for a loop again

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holy fucking shit :rofl:

try redoing ppm detection if you haven’t already.

also, check the physical connection between the vesc and the receiver

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Is there a way to just to ppm detection with the setup wizard on VESC tool? So far I’ve just done the whole reboot thing when trying to follow this tutorial:

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unfortunately can’t help with VESC tool. i stick with 2.18 for a good reason :wink:


Yeah the input wizard calibrates the input through the same process

What remote do you have, probably needs Fail-Safe reset Rebind while throttle is nuetral

I have the trigger remote from @JLabs.

Yeah just rebind