2018 Electric Skateboard Convention - #Esk8Con2018

Brackets would be easy. Stock, hubs, single and unlimited. I’m sure everyone wants to know who makes the fastest stock production electric skateboard!

Eh brackets …shirts man I know you all want some sort of Schwagg

Yeah we’ ll have 6s 10s 12s classes Production board And emtb

I have some experience with national motorcycle rallies (sport bikes) and setups that draw about 200-400 people. For us it’s all about riding and people, less about the gear and vendors, though we find ways to incorporate that.

In the motorcycle world the events are split. We hold rallies to ride and hang out, and hold motorcycle shows for vendors, to see what’s new, and to buy stuff.

I think you may need to figure out what you want to get out of the gathering before you can start planning.

How most of these types of rallies go:


  • An event planner/manager (Michaelinvegas) - someone who comes up with a plan on a website, document, something that lays out location, dinner, raffle, date, activities, accommodations, safety, costs etc. This can be broken out into a few different people if necessary, but with an event this small (initially) that’s probably not necessary.


  • Members pretty much pay for themselves. Travel, hotels and food are paid directly by attendees with some deals worked out ahead of time by the planner.


  • New place every year. Try to move around the country to ride new roads, but also to give people who can’t travel far the opportunity to come.
  • Usually a weeklong event, but I think 4 days total over a long weekend would make the long travel “worth it”


  • A single hotel/motel large enough to hold everyone. Event planner works out some deal with room reservations and discounted prices. This becomes the gathering point.
  • In the morning before the rides, and at night after the rides people can meet in the lobby/bar/etc and hang out.


  • At least one night some sort of group dinner is planned (and catered) in one of the lobby rooms. Everyone pays (planned ahead of time) around $20 for food.


  • After the dinner, a raffle is held. Everyone gets a ticket with the meal, and can buy more tickets if they want. Proceeds go to the “group” for future rallies and prizes. Prizes are usually donated by vendors or bought with group money. Prizes are small (under $40 usually, and averaging around $5-10). Shirts, kick stand pucks, spray cleaners, stickers, gloves, battery tenders, and misc trinkets are usually given at motorcycle rallies. For the larger rallies, we have 5 or so “big” prizes. Usually gift certificates to motorcycle vendors at $50-500 depending on what gets donated.


  • Routes are given out by the event planner. People don’t have to follow them, but many do who don’t know the area well.
  • People split off into smaller groups of 4-8 with a group leader and head out for the day.
  • The reason this is done is that everyone rides a different style/pace. Large groups become difficult to keep together and waiting at stop signs mess up the “flow” of the ride. For esk8 this could be long and short range riders, and maybe an off-road rider group.

Events Outside of the actual rides, have some group events – quality over quantity here.

  • 250/500 ft drag races – have someone with a stop watch and record results. Do it by class (or voltage, 6s, 8s, 10s, open). Try to keep it simple.
  • Slalom course with cones (timed)
  • Vendor show-off
  • Give the opportunity for vendors to show off their stuff (one vendor at a time)

Just some thoughts – come up with your plan first then ask the community for changes – you will have to drive this thing if you want it to happen! You will also have to edit yourself - be realistic about the number of people attending and the complexity of the event.

I’m sure I’ll be there!


Hahha @jaykup guess what my man?.. you look my new Esk8 tournament director

not sure if it was mentioned, but hill climbs, is there anywhere at UNLV that has some sort of slope for hill tests? Get Acton to come with their 4WD for test rides!

Working on this and more:

Right now I have been reaching out to different sponsors and vendors … one a week

As for Locations:

I’ve been discussing that with people here…and will be out next week to check the condition of the properties for our use. Parking lot and indoor options. I have a few places that I will check: UNLV, Downtown area across from Atomic liquors, sunset park, wetlands park, silverton casino and the Las Vegas Convention area Only the park locations are not near hotels

As for website … nothing yet …but a domain has been set up… also I have place a temp event on the Facebook page for esk8squad Esk8 Squad | Facebook Here’s the invite for the event 2018 Esk8 Convention (Esk8Con)??ti=ia also this is where I think I’ll post most of the confirmed info

Documents: Gathering it all… I’d love to be able to put expected vendors and companies on a poster type thing to show people as well as location and map of venue with all locations on the map

Activities and dinners:

I hope to have a slew of activities that you all can participate in or opt out of … it will be totally esk8 centric…so be prepaired to be esk8ing a lot in the evening as well so back packs and extra batteries

Accommodation: I’ll prob set up a code with one or two hotels … I’ll give you a number and a code like Esk8Squad… you get a group discount … this is prob the best way the first year till we have a real registration set up and I can go to a property and say we have X-amount of rooms … it’s still possible but would require some housing management

Costs: that’s on going. I don’t think I wanna charge the public, but I do need to make something to cover all costs to hold the event … I’ll need to think of something like selling tshirts

Safety: helmets a must when racing, or riding throug the event required… it sure what else on that one

Honestly that maybe an issue here in Vegas

I’ve also reconsidered how the days will be played out…

I figured this:

Friday arrival:

Meet up at first Friday in our esk8 area for opening ceremonies. That would be around 7pm. Bring your esk8 if you want. I will see if the vendors will come out for a weekend long event and would open up the trunks for demo rides at the first Friday venue. This way we can invite those people to come check us out at our Meet up. It your opportunity to stretch your legs eat, drink…and talk esk8 with peers and noobs that will come and ask a million questions…

First Friday ends at 11

Saturday: vendors and sponsors and food trucks set up at location I imagine various logoed production board cars and tents

9am start: opening ceremony of the day

First race at 10am various individual and squad events

Through the day various events, demos and food

We end it around 5 or 6 …then it’s free time…but will create a short evening esk8 event around 8 or 9 to end up at a bar or restaurant so you can bounce out after or keep it going…

Sunday: we do it one more time…finishing all the races …more fun rides and demos …and closing ceremony then final meet esk8 grand meetup for drinks someplace that evening

How does that sound?

Also plan to have a build competition…

There will be a theme …

There will be guidelines on what components to use…

Winning will be based on theme … best interpretation

How closely you stuck to the spec guidelines…

And performance

The judges I hope can be the various vendors …

Of course we will have the people choice award…

Any thoughts?


Where is the eSk8 Olympic village?

I have the eSk8 Olympics torch lol…


I will check around … I was thinking Hard Rock Hotel or Maybe downtown… it’s all up in the air…

Ideally if your not a vendor I want you to be able to easily esk8 to and from the hotel and around the venue safety and be near stuff to check out …

I’ll prob take pictures along the way so you guys can see

I saw a massive Ramp near the convention center … I think it would make a decent hill climb course.

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Me and @KlethBane tore up a parking garage on the strip… Yeah there are options …

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yupp parking garges are fun as long as you don’t think about how you are litterally going in tiny circles… :joy: we could also replace the hill climb with a car pull/ tug-of-war! lol

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Lololo it was going around it was fun…

But I’ve thought abt it …and I’m going to avoid a tug o war or hill climb race unless it’s part of a course…

And the reason is…I don’t want to be blamed for having an event that could break your stuff … plus i want to avoid any break downs … I’m gonna try to make so you guys can use ur esk8 to get around …

I’ll leave hill climb as a demo for vendors … maybe we get something that tilts to various to degrees and at your own risk

Someone say trailor half pipe?

Biggest problem for us oversea-people are batteries. I hope we could figure out a way so I can bring my German 5 people squad :wink:

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Well @barajabali is willing to help…with 18650 packs

I’ll be reaching out to some local hobby stores and see what we could do to get 4s 5s 6s lipo packs batteries to rent

It’s something we need to figure out … it’s not impossible