2018 Electric Skateboard Convention - #Esk8Con2018

Maybe that girl with the dog in her backpack knows? :dog:

If that’s the new trend, the convention might need a veterinarian on site too.

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I am an er nurse, I will bring lots of band aids and neosporin, ready to spring into action, just yell MEDIC :stuck_out_tongue:


I seem to have a large collection of knee braces I can bring along as well :grin:


My wife is also an ER nurse…this may be just the excuse I need to convince her we have to go! Leave the bandaids at home, bring the dilaudid!

Opiates are evil, I am so sick of dealing with drug addicts and trashy people that think every little ache and pain requires an opiate. Pain is your bodies natural splint. Replace the word Dilaudid with Heroin, and that is basically what you have, doesn’t sound as fun does it? I will stick with the bandaids and beer…

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Tell us how you really feel :slight_smile:

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I have to bite my tongue a lot in life…


I do too, but I’m just an a$$hole :).


That was kind of the point. She has acronyms to describe the patients who come in regularly for their doses. She has a great story about a guy who was complaining of leg pain after surgery. The doc told them to loosen the cast but the nurse went over his head to give him pain meds instead. The next day his leg was blue and necrotic. But I don’t want to side-track the thread with endless ER stories…

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Dude you ain’t on the job that day…it’s all abt esk8 …we are definitely gonna have an ambulance…it’s just a thing that’s unavoidable

The SLAMbulance!


I was joking…

lol I still bet you have a first aid kit with you hahahah

420 of them


safety first bois and görls!

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@ekitesurfer I guess you won’t be the only person with special first aid kit :joy:… I guess people can get their own “kit” in Vegas these days lol …self medicate lol


I don’t partake as it is still federally illegal, but i will make sure to have some now completely legal safety nuggets on hand for you guys;)


Hahaha … as @TarzanHBK said Safety First!

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I’d forgotten Nevada joined the revolution last year. A bunch of ambitious maniacs stoned out of their minds armed with 30mph death planks. What could possibly go wrong? Well, if you can beat 'em…(hell, even if you can…)

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We definitely need some solid helmet vendors out there…