100mm Boa Constrictor wheels


I am curious though as to what boa users are experiencing with the production wheels

Ask Brian (@b264), he is one of Boa’s test drivers. As far as I know the Boa wheel performance, wear, aging or chunking been flawless so far.

*production wheels sir

Have a set of white Boas that I ran for a month with no chunks and barely any cuts. Ordered a second set in red which has gotten small cuts from glass in the first few rides. Might be anecdotal but the white wheels might be more durable than the red.

apparently the pure Thane without any pigment is white. I ordered the white version as well. Don’t care if they go grey or whatever, but I need my wheels to last, looks come after only

@Grosskate & @Bundymus I can’t remember which thread but I was recently reading how @Deckoz (I think) recommends regular wheel maintenance to keep urethane from chunking. He’s got a ridiculous amount of miles on his abec 11s, if you look at them closely you can see they have lots of blemishes. But he fills all cracks and tears with super glue on pretty much a weekly basis and it’s drastically changed their life spand from what I saw.

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That’s good to know ! Super glue fixing urethane… ok … if I can I’ll give it a try

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Just found this …



I guess there are streets no thane wheel will withstand :slight_smile:

The wheel looks like it’s cut based on the mark. Are they your wheels? If so please do get in touch with our team.

Nah, these pics were posted on the Evolve skateboard owners FB group.

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Thats not chunking. Clearly is a cut. A piece of metal or a nail which sliced thru. There is no wheel in the world that could withstand such an evicerating bite. :no_mouth:


@captainjez are the hatchlings already in stock, I agreed to receive the constrictors because I couldn’t wait more but I need the hatchlings


Goddamnit. I keep ordering new wheels and these new boas aren’t helping my addiction lol.

Looking forward to compare with rubber wheels

I’m guessing you work for them given your post history. I’ve got a set. Super heavy wheels.

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What about rolling resistance? :slight_smile:

they look like cheap clone flywheels with hanfang - too hard to even contemplate


@captainjez Any word on the White Boa Constrictors? I ordered some the week of Black Friday and they still haven’t shipped yet.

They are saying the whites are on back order when I talked to them on the onsite chat. Try asking them there.

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