S.K.A.T.E Challenge - Upload your trick vids!

Not much progress in my thread lately, just been on holiday and still waiting for lots of parts. Currently trying to plan my wiring.

Go on YouTube and search “ATBA UK 2016”. That’s the last major event I competed in and there’s a good selection of videos from that.

In fact just this weekend we had the 1st UK comp of the year, the series is called Rhythm Cross where we race on BMX tracks, 14 riders so fairly small but I ended up claiming the Open title :grinning::metal: There’s a video of last years final at the same place where I got 4th (behind the Brind brothers in 1st & 3rd);


Wow - just been binge watching the ATBA UK 2016 vids on youtube - there’s some super awesome stuff happening there! Please tell me you were the guy dressed as a cow! :smile: Kidding!!

The level you guys ride at is insane. I can’t believe it’s taking me this long to find mountainboarding! I would have LOVED this when I was living in the UK. I instead spent my teens rollerblading, snakeboarding and skating and picked up snowboarding and wakeboarding in my 20s. Then in my 30s moved over to kitesurfing and now esk8! I love learning new sports though and the mountainboard is startin to feel really ‘homely’ now if you know what i mean? Looking forward to exploring more in this sport.

That’s sick.

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Awesome vid!! You’ve earned an ‘S’! I’ll get the leaderboard built at work today :wink::metal:t2:

Thanks :call_me_hand: what does it mean „S“? Can i buy something for it :joy:

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Great idea with the cans!

No but you can earn fame, much better than money :grin:

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Nice work dude. Congrats.

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For every trick you successfully complete you earn a letter. So you just earned an ‘S’ - the first letter of the word SKATE. The first person to earn all 5 letters to spell S.K.A.T.E wins the challenge.

BTW - as you were the first person to upload the successful trick you get to set the next one :wink:

What will it be?? I’m excited for it!

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Totally forgot the rules :laughing: I’m curious, too.

There is one thing which I don’t understand because there are 2 ways to set a new trick. If you set a trick which you can’t do yet (e.g. Noseroll 180) you earn a letter after upload of the succeeded trick. If you set a new trick with a own video (e.g. Ollie Something) you can’t earn a letter or already earned it?

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Yeah good point! Usually with SKATE the idea is that you don’t wanna earn letters but as we’ve switched the rules for this platform it makes it a bit more confusing.

I only uploaded the nose roll 180 that someone else did, so that I could participate and to make it an even playing field, but really the first trick now is the Ollie. I reckon the rule should be that if you match a trick you get a letter and then if you’re the first to upload you set the next trick and also earn a letter for loading up a successful trick. In this sense, @amecces has an S for matching it (as will anyone else who uploads an ollie video) and then when @amecces uploads a new video he instantly gets a K (taking him to the top of the leader board). The first person to then load a copy of his trick gets a letter, and they set the next trick too and so on…

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I already have the next two tricks on video. One success and one fail. If i set the „easy“ one i‘ll get the „k“ just for setting and the „a“ for sucess? and i‘ve to set the Next one, the fail and get just the „t“ for Setting? :thinking: :joy:

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LOL!!! You’ll get a ‘K’ for setting the next trick. But then the next person to upload a successful copy of the trick gets to set the next one. Otherwise you’re just playing yourself :joy:

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I think it’s better If i get no „k“ just for Setting a new Trick and everyone uploading a successful copy will get a letter, the First one have To set a new Trick. At this point you can earn a letter for „Ollie something“ and my new one, too!?

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Yeah ok cool - I like your style. I won’t take a letter for my trick set either - looking forward to nailing yours! :wink:

Any ideas what you’re gonna set? I’ve got a cool idea for the leader board which I’ll get up this weekend!

Next Trick


Not much time at the moment and the weather changes every few minutes, but at least I ollied something :wink:


Siiiiiick man :crazy_face:! Crazy board in the beginning and can’t believe you ollie your own boards, that needs bigger balls than ollie something :sunglasses:


Nice work @amecces! Loving your Nollies!

@Duffman - great Ollies! Was that a sneaky Nollie in the last 5 seconds I saw? If so you just got S and K and went to the top of the leader board! :wink: also you’re up for the next trick set :call_me_hand:

How is the 2 wheel to ride btw? I’ve seen some really sick street vids of these things of the Trampa website!

You’ve motorized a 2wheel board?! How have a not seen this??? Have you got a build thread for it?

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