X6 | Restless Mantis 33 | Evolve trucks | ABEC 107mm | Gear Drive | Dual 5065 140kv | 10S4p 30Q | SK8-ESC V 4.12 m8

How’s the progress going with the gear drives? Also, isn’t the main point of gear drives that you can transfer much more torque? Would love to see a version for 63mm motors :slight_smile:

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The first sets will be delivered to customers in July … but it will be a standard version for EVOVLE trucks and 5065 motors

I designed a larger gear drive for 63xx motors.

However, this will be a gear drive for Surf RodzTKP trucks, but also wants to make a version for Surf Rodz RKP

In the picture, the comparison of gear drives.

6368 motor vs 5065 motor


This is the first prototype, only for size verification and not for testing



On June 10 and 11 I tested the range of the X7 board

The actual capacity of the battery pack is 640Wh

I tested the range for two days, in total I traveled distance 138km on one charging :grin:

The range would have been larger but the wind was blowing in the first day

Standard power consumption at 20km / h is 4.2Wh per 1km so theoretical coverage is 152km :slight_smile:

Range would be even bigger if it was tested by a lighter rider, I weigh 90kg,

Below are METR data from another test day


That’s a lotta range. What’s your weight?

88 kg naked :upside_down_face:, but I ride in clothes , so about 90 kg, In addition, the board weighs about 11kg

Total more than 100kg (101-102kg)

Below: Gear drive vs belt drive. On the right side, standard EVOLVE belt drive, 15/38 gear ratio

There was a slight slope, which is why X7 drove away, but you can see differences. Of course, under the load of the rider the difference is not so large


That’s cool, but we already have gear drives for SurfRodz by @marcmt88 and @moon. It’s Evolve Supercarve trucks we need more 63mm motor mounting options for. (Supercarve trucks are special because they give you a longer wheelbase, which is really useful for boards not meant for huge esk8 wheels)

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How do we buy a set?

That’s impressive, so finally the board beaten what you can do in a day? And at the end of the Metr log was 200m at flat ground without using the motor?

This gear drive looks fantastic. Do you have a price set yet?

@rusins You’ve used 5065 motors? The 5065 motors have high power and torque. Evovle uses similar motors but Evolve limits their power,

In June I rode several times a EVOVLE GTX, this board in GT mode does not have such acceleration and power as X6 or X7.

I regret that I did not do comparative tests :frowning:

Of course, the 63xx motors have more power but 5065 have enough power and acceleration when using urethane wheels.

I am planning to build a gear drive for 63xx motors, but at the beginning for the Surfrodz TKP trucks If this gear drive will work properly, I will also create a version for EVOLVE Truck

However, I would like the drive to be small and this is difficult to design because most motors 63xx have a high speed (KV),


It seems to me that the road was flat but I can not guarantee it, I would have to check it out

@anon26002665 The price for a double set is 300 Euro


No, I must confess that I have not tried 5065 ever :frowning: But I do know that my dual 6355 can get pretty hot when riding, and bigger motors have better efficiency.

Also, there are some 63xx motors that with pretty low kv, such as these 150kv Maytech motors that Bioboards sell: https://www.bioboards.se/en/produkt/6374-motor-3600w-150/

I don’t think 63xx motors’ KV differs much from that of 50xx motors…

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Also: a single drive board with a 63xx motor and one of those gear drives would be a great option for people with limited money :wink:


You’re right, but two Racerstar 5065 140kV motors cost around less than 80 Euro, that’s much less than one Maytech motor :slight_smile:

I am aware that the price of the motor is not everything. You also need to buy a second ESC or dual ESC and dual gear drive…

But I think that two 5065 motors will be more efficient than one 63xx motors


Wow I didn’t realize they were that cheap!

Also for some weird reason (that I don’t get the theory behind) apparently using 2 motors instead of 1 cuts range in half :confused: (There was lengthy discussion about the fact in one of the esk8 calculator threads)

Change of trucks on SurfRodz TKP in X6

Now the board looks threateningly :grin:


The gear drive is the same, I added only adapters

Previously, X6 was shorter than X7 by only 7cm, now about 15cm



If you were to sell these gearboxes for the Evolve trucks. I’d buy one.

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@Crashmaster I sent you a private message

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