[WTS] sensor wire extension cables

i believe its 6 pin jst 2.0 connector. as a lot have been saying this around the forum =(

I could check if I have some 6pin jst 2mm male laying at home and solder you special cables. But might take some days.

Yes please that would be great if you could. i’m in no rush for them as i’m still ordering the smaller pieces. i just checked the motor sensor cable plugs directly into the FOCBOX Vesc

If you can plug them directly inside than it’s 2mm jst for sure. Give me to check what I have at home in the evening and I let you know than.

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alrighty thanks, i sent you a PM/ its fairly late here 1.20am i should of headed to bed a long while ago but im going to jump off now. If you need to order the connectors in i dont mind waiting and paying that little bit extra.

@Riako you still want some 60cm extension? There only 8 left, so I thought better to ask :sweat_smile:


yes mate !!! Thx ! I would take 4 x 60cm WS and 2 x 20cm WS if possible … :blush:


@Andy87 Can you put me down for 4x of the 200cm and 4x of the 600cm cables, if you have them? 2 of each with the braid and 2 of each without. Thanks!

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Let me count through it tomorrow. Might be close with the 60cm cables, but if I did count right than there are 4 left :wink: I used all sleeves today, new one will be here end of the week, so shipping would be probably beginning next week only. If that’s still ok with you sent me a pm with your PayPal address and shipping address.