Why so much hate?

Well, I do wonder how many older folks who have never skated a minute in their lives just get on a board and the instant they push the throttle they’re on their ass…and an hour later in urgent care getting stitched-up or casted.

I’ve read figures for older people on electric kick-scooters getting seriously injured took a huge spike upwards in the last few years as the the scooters became cheaper and more available. Unpowered scooters too, as some cities are apparently providing them in trials as alternatives to public bicycles.

holly thread revival…


Soooo… a guy dropped the “N” bomb on me in traffic the other day. I caught up to the guy at the next light (I don’t think he understood my board was electric) I felt the need to say something so I said to the guy “bruuuh” I’m an Esk8r…we only see 3 races

  1. sk8rs
  2. floaters
  3. EUCs and we all ride TOGETHER :sunglasses:

Jeez :man_facepalming:

How does that have factor into you riding an electric skateboard at all… :roll_eyes: I hate people

Also, what’s a floater? :joy::thinking:


it has everything to do with the topic of this thread…i mentioned my board being electric because the guy passed me in traffic and yelled the n word…i didn’t think he knew i was gonna catch him at the next light. by the way onewheelers refer to it as floating…


No I’m sorry I didn’t mean your post, I meant what he called you. Like how is your skin colour relevant to anything

I might be a little dabbed out.



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Sinkers or floaters man

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Oo that article you posted really grinds my gears

I guess the first drivers were just lazy too

People still do that? Are we in 1800s or something?


At the top of the neighborhood hills heading down to Hollywood Blvd and I notice a car ready to come down. I realized I’ll have to get out of the way by the time he gets to me to let him pass. Before I could even think his sports car accelerated full blast loud as shit and was on me in seconds. He literally got like a foot from me on purpose. I ended up catching up to him at a light and getting a pic of his license but I don’t know what good it will do.



i wish i had a dollar for each time that happened to me…I’d buy more esk8 parts. :slightly_smiling_face:

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