Where are you from ? Userbase info

Since the last poll missed some options and was too broad, here is the last one i’ll be posting.

Poll: https://goo.gl/forms/mAug1OOVaUYvGq7A2

Results : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSco2IeK92-3s7Xq6RYQu4431dJ-_9jpWsKW1TcWg6dvOJ0ULg/viewanalytics?usp=form_confirm


Please keep it clean, and only post once. We are all a big family, posting multiple times doesnt help us at all.

How do we add new countries?

wheres Canada on this list? :smiley:

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There should be an “Others” option. If not feel free to edit the form, the pencil on the top right.

@abenny, take a look again :slight_smile:

Yep, see the “others” option now. Was an empty bullet last time I took a look. Thanks :slight_smile:

you’re welcome.

small notice, last time there was indeed an empty bullet. This is why there is a difference in total votes on the google page and this excel chart. the chart doesn’t count empty input, and so is more correct.

bumpy bumpy, vote if you haven’t already. Thanks.

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Still a few people to go…

Belgium reprezent lol, quick screenshot before everyone chimes in ^^

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51 contributions, i’m sure we have more ppl on this forum… bump