War Machine 43 X 9 1/2 - Leds & headlights | red 83mm Flywheels | 5065 270kv Sensored | Single Drive (Compleated)

@Michaelinvegas hi, quick questions: where did the lights get the power from? UBEC? Can I use UBEC with VESC?

Edit: love the rocket shape !!!

On to the rear…


This is getting seriously cool looking!


Lol… Thanks…

It even has lasers lol

I’ll show you later :wink:

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I take the power from the battery mate and into a step down regulator to 12v :wink:

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@Michaelinvegas thank bruh, thats my guess too.

Rear lighting :ok_hand:t2:

And under glow👍🏻


Because I’m an impatient prick…

Had to hook up the lights…

Whada y’all think?

I think it looks pretty good… Piece of Art …even if I do say so myself :wink:


Thats nice its like a disco on wheels

Get a picture of you on that while covering yourself in EL wire and I will be satisfied. Awesome lights bro!

It’s a missle on wheels :rocket:


Best I can do is prob a blinky light lol

Finished but not tested.

Had to make some changes to the build due to time and a part failure.

ESC was changed to a 6s Toro 80a esc because the orginal was not reaponding. Since, that isn’t a sensored ESC I switched the motor to a non sensored motor.

Hope to have some Video of it in action before it gets shipped out


That’s sick! I really like the grip tape/faux carbon fiber. Disco lights at the rear are a nice touch too.

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Too bad they don’t make the light up wheels bigger than 70mm. That would be a great addition to this board.

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Sick as a mutha! Lovin’ those lasers. Those headlights really put out some light, dude! Congrats on yet another stellar build! I like the overall aesthetic. You gave it tight sylistic look and then you brought it to life with lights and lasers. Bravo, sir…Diggin’ :thumbsup:

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You know I have some of those Sunset Led wheels…Fun lights…but I don’t really think it would last that long riding at our speeds…Those wheels require a tiny bit of friction for them to light up …I bet eventually the wheels would burst into flames lol

But great idea…I did call them last year and see if they have any plans to make them…they said No :neutral_face:

Thanks man…

Sometimes I don’t know weather I should ride them or puttem on a wall for show lol

Thanks @Adam0311🤘🏻

You should most def catalog your builds. You probably already have a good collection of pics! Probably enough to fill up a good size thread fo sure!