Ultimate VESC Controller with OLED

Thanks for the encouragement dude! Appreciate it

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No problem, Aussies got to stick together

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That looks great, really stoked for the NFC stuff! I would maybe move the buttons a bit apart, but we have to test it in our hands to see. Nunchuck I think would be even better ergonomically (and suited not just for the righthanded) but youā€™d have fit the screen in somehow, which I think would have to go above the joystick. Might find the time to do a little sketch of what I mean and look if that would work out, if you are still open for a different form.

Yeah Iā€™m really into the nunchuck idea, mainly due to itā€™s form factor and the buttons already on the front for cruise control. Then maybe just put the screen on the side.

Ordered a nunchuck to dremel and test

Added channels to allow joystick to go left and right (only when you try) so you can change screen modes. Added hole so joystick PCB fits into case nicely

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Also contacted Maytech to see if I can buy the steez remote cases by themselves.


Did you not like the design you made?

Iā€™ve improved the design I made but looking at different options as well. Nunchuck, steez, and custom design


Hi Guys,

I just have seen this thread and Iā€™m happy to see, that my project is continued her! Iā€™m now running my remote a year without any issues. I had some problems with the reliability of the nRF24 RF link. I solved it by adding an external antenna to it. There was the question why I was not using I"C for the oled. I tried a lot of oleds and hat a lot of trouble with it. Finally I found one, that worked. It was not with I2C. But that can simply be added in the code. Once it was also planned to add a configuration of the vesc over the remote. But that requires a lot a changes in the used protocol because it requires a bidirectional communication. I use the acknowledgement package that sends the nrf24 back for every revived message. With each control package send to the board, the receiver site sends the telemetry data back. If you are going now to establish a bidirectional communication, you have to establish a protocol as additional layer on the protocol used by the nRF24. All the communication to the VESC must be managed by the remote site. That is a safety issue is still didnā€™t solve. Though I started in my VescUartControl library already on a DEV branch some changes in this direction. Maybe somebody wants to take a look at it and find a solution. https://github.com/RollingGecko/VescUartControl As far as I have seen, Vedder implemented on the VESC a nRF24 communication. But I didnā€™t checked that out yet.

My main issue is time. Iā€™m already deep in other projects and can not find the time to continue the project. So any contributor is welcome to this project. Pullrequests will be merged! One further topic here in germany ar the laws, that donā€™t allow driving an electric board on the road. In worst case they can take your car driving license. They are crazy here. Thatā€™s why I also lost a bit the interest in my electric longboard. It is really sad.

Never the less I have one request to you. I published this peace of software because I wanted to share it with the community. Please donā€™t make it a commercial product. It would be great if you make your case open source and sell it together with a PCB if you want. But please not as a plug and play versionā€¦ I hope you can understand me.

Wow. A lot of text. Sorry for. And for sure full of typos. But Iā€™m german.

I stay tuned for support and to see your progress. Go on!!.


PS: The Nunchuck is really nice in handling!


If you want to see it once in action here a video of last years Berlin MakerFaire



Thanks for the reply @RollingGecko , I believe that an open source case, as well as your code would be a great remote to sell. Of course there would be a donation to you for your amazing work with the project, but if you feel like that is not a good idea, maybe not. There is definitely a market and I think it is too hard for some people here to make it if they dont have a basic knowledge of arduino


Yes I agree. Like the vesc is.

How do you see your screen while riding? It is great that you found this thread! @Sander is working on a new remote that will be similar to yours (with an OLED) but with more features. He is planning to integrate a bluetooth module to the receiver pcb so that you can change max current with a phone, have nice graphs and even display directions on the OLED (Google API), the NRF used will have a PA&LA (to make the signal never cut out) and the receiver will have a current sensor so that the number of watts into the board whilst charging can be calculated. How much did you find you looked at your OLED for stats/ did you just forget about the OLED and use it as a classic wii remote? What projects are you working on (now that eboards are banned in Germany)?

You are right, that the display is a bit covered by the thumb. But if you presss the button to keep the speed over the PID you can look easy to the screen. Then I look often for speed, remaining capacity or the current. At the moment Iā€™m working on a big 3D printer with 2 individual printheads. Iā€™m looking forward to see @Sanders control. The feature list sounds interesting. To have charging information is interesting. It would also be great to have long time statistics to the battery pack. Vedders contribution to the community is amazing and a gift. I donā€™t know where he finds the time for. Thank you Vedder. That is why I want to keep also my project open source. So if you developed the hardware put it please also open source as planned. And you are right. Not everybody is willing to enter deep enough is the subject to rebuild a remote. So a plug and play Version would be good.




Of course it would all be open source! I also plan to make detailed videos so if people 3d print the case they can easily buy their own parts and watch the video on assembly. It is time the community had a decent remote :slight_smile:


Hey there! Chanced upon this design on thingiverse that resembles the boosted controller alot. I lack the relevant knowledge regarding electronics, so I decided to approach this particular thread for insights. How does this particular remote work using an xbee module? Also, isit possible to use sucha form factor for a vesc controller that you are working on? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1602865

Corrected vote :slight_smile:

Little update: all parts are here and I will be making it this weekend

