Tuning vesc, shutdown but no fault code..SOLVED

Was your board charged? Were you able to get it to shut off again? I’m thinking you might be hitting your low voltage cutoff as you hit throttle again and again

Can you post a screenshot of the realtime tab

The problem started while the board was fully charged. I have gotten it to shut down each test ride, but cannot get a fault to come up on BLDC. Forgive my ignorance of the realtime tab but what exactly are you asking for?

Let me see if I can pull up screenshots or a video of what you need to do to pull up the fault codes.

That would be great, I have been going to the terminal tab and typing in Faults which makes it display NO_FAULT…

Set your maximum input voltage to 57V

I have max at 57 and min at 8.

Just had a thought!


My build has separate enclosures and the 10 AWG cables are about 20" long. Could this be a problem with overheating?

Is everything shutting down or the vesc just had a red light flashing… if the vesc and everything shut down. You problem probably something else than the vesc… actually I belive it most likely to be tour E-switch.

It’s never a sudden shutdown. It always starts strong and then performance decreases like I’m hitting a soft shutdown and if I keep riding I get a shutdown. When that happens if I just stop for about 5 seconds the board come right back to life and cycles again.

Does the red led flash or the power go down… also can you post some picture of your setup.

I have a permenant enclosure mounted so unfortunately I cannot see the vesc without destroying my griptape and unmounting the enclosure.

Sorry but It’s going to be really hard to figure what is your problem if you can’t access any of the electronics :anguished:

I’m trying to figure why I would be getting a shutdown but not having a fault code on the vesc. The only thing that I have changed as far as my setup that was working fine is as follows.

83mm wheels up to 97mm wheels Motor gear from 16 down to 15 Battery wires extended to 20" Replaced motor wires with 10 AWG

There 3 reason you will have no faults on a vesc, first when the vesc shutdown for low voltage, second when the maximum input voltage is way over the, third when there is no faults… so if you don’t have any fault problem is somewhere else…

That certainly makes sense!

If the batteries are being drained at a rate that is to high would that not explain the decreased power that eventually shuts the vesc off? Would it make sense that the batteries become unstrained when the vesc shuts down which allows them to basically reset for another run?

Maybe over-temp. Are u big going up hills? With the low voltage you’re doing you must rely on hot amps

im 250lbs and there is a slight hill in my complex but its maybe a 3 foot rise over a 300ft distance so thats barely a hill at all. I think im gonna bite the bullet and build a 10s pack.

or you just trigger some safety on your bms or switch.

If u get one of those things that sends ur vesc info to ur phone u can see the temp. Maybe move ur temp sensor max a bit lower and see if the shut off is sooner

No bms and im running a switch from DIY