The Colateral: Moonshine sidekick 35" | Surfrodz 176mm | Blue Caguamas

Here is a small video of yesterday’s commute


I really need a board like that, how do you compare the blue Caguamas with the Kegels?

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The riding is completely different, I never felt such smooth and soft wheels on any board not even the Abec 107mm superflys. So bigger wheels not always give you better shock absorbing.


Nice to hear that, I may get some in the future

Wow, this is fantastic! Hope to ride with you one day. :slight_smile:

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I uploaded the video in 4k @ 60fps yesterday, however youtube quality is only a crappy 360p, I wonder how long it does take to fully process 4k quality?

Yours is not the only one, I saw some big channels these days with the same problem

It’s in 4K now :grinning:

Afaik if you upload the video from Google Direct Drive the conversion to 4k is faster

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That’s a good tip @rojitor I’ll try that next time

Have you tried orange caguamas as well by any chance? I have the orange ones, and am contemplating if it’s worth spending 90€ just to upgrade them to the softer blue ones. I find it hard to believe that these feel better than superflys…

Also, have you tried Olllin’s Popoca wheels? Just want to know how they all compare, since I’m about to order parts for a new board too :slight_smile:

I have orange caguamas on my spud, they are really hard compared to blue Caguamas, however, take my advice with a grain of salt as the spud is stiff, seems like the sidekick fiberglass sandwiched inside helps a lot too with vibrations. I will have to test the spud with the blue Caguamas and the Sudekucj with orange to have a final verdict.

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Yes it does but there is more secrets in there as I routed mine out for the blink s2 bamboo top layer and something real soft foam or cork not sure tho and there is polyurethane rails in the deck where the truck mounting points are these all in combination make vibration even less. I love this board so much… worth every penny …my outlaw that is the original big brother 38.5 feels even smoother as it has lil bit more flex in the middle longer wheel base


This Board is my favorite in here since i joined this forum last summer. The love you gave in we can see on the pictures of your building process. Just the battery pack is a piece of art and everything else is so clean. This is just AWESOME. peace



Did you eventually try the spud with blue caguamas? I am looking at small comfortable wheel options for my Tayto


No. I kept the orange Caguamas on my Spud, the blue ones are on the sidekick and they are way more comfortable, you need to ret them to understand what I’m talking about


Alan’s being nice; orange Caguamas are the worst of all worlds; the compound is best for freestyle which we don’t do in esk8.

Lofty 90mm’s are in fact, my favorite.

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Be advised that the inner edge on the Lofty is not radiused, and since it is so soft, it will likely find a piece of glass and tear under torque. Worth it to me. :slight_smile:

Boosted Gen 1 wheels are the best wheel I’ve found for the Tayto. Orangatang In-Heats also now come in 77a, too.


Could that inner edge be easily changed on a lathe? I have lots of lathe experience, though I know PU is tricky and I have no actual experience with it.

Second to that… if you knew exactly what you were doing, could you radius it with a sharp utility knife? Or would that cause micro-tearing lead to faster failure

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now compare against speed vents?


Seismics are better longboarding wheels better than Orangatangs or Loftys, in my opinion.

LDP / commuters, like the excellent Pantheon series of decks or G-Bombs, I would go with SSV Mangos.

esk8 is totally different on wheels, in my opinion.

Everything is extra in esk8; extra load, extra speed, extra stress on parts.

I would suggest bubblegum SSV 85s, which are the same duro as the blue Cags, are ‘better’ than blue Cags only because Orangatang blue wheels get so sticky that they bring home a lot of debris.

Blue cags attract a layer of grime that makes a ‘skin’ on that light blue thane; then they seem perfect, just fugly.

Bubblegum SSVs are normal and do not seem to pick up half as much grease or broken glass from the road, but then again, I’ve not had them on an esk8.

Hope this helps!