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Some kind of generic fender which mounts directly to deck topside and covers the wheel at the danger points where a toe might lodge, only seen fenders to stop water spray

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Why not get the nrf_51 from flipsky(~$10). Pretty standard hardware and firmware is by vedder. You’ll get better speeds than just a Bluetooth uart.

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https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words-2/88821/273?u=riako awesome !!! How does it feel (torque en brake ?) Good continuation :+1:


I tried to make a little story. Haha. Thanks for noticing :slight_smile:

Torque is pretty good and that too at 5S(some random battery that I had, because my pack is not ready yet), and braking felt pretty good too. You get a sense of that from the end of the video when I stop. But the brakes won’t hold me when I am waiting at red light on slope. Ride feels very smooth maybe because it lacks the usual noise.

Once I get an enclosure and proper battery, I’ll post more videos, plots and opinion.

Thanks @b264 for the deck. Although it’s temporary deck for these drives, it works great with the pneumatics in relation to wheel bite.



Hopefully you are going to heat shrink those sensor wires

Haha, absolutely :ok_hand: this is just how they came. One showed up ripped in half already actually

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@KaramQ This deck could be a good option for skaters who need smaller electric boards. I got an eye on this company from the very first day, but this board turns out as crap. Does a focbox fit into the case where the esc has been? And do you know if there is a chance to get just the deck without any electrics?


I tried fitting two focboxes but it’s a little to small, the board is shit but I love the deck and it has brake lights and front lights you can attach to a vesc. It can fit a 10s3p battery in it. Only real problem I encountered is how stiff and small the deck is.


Oh yeah, when I got this thing, it got run over and it didn’t take any damage. The only electrics I have in it are the hubs. I broke the board within two weeks of getting it, battery drained so badly I couldn’t get a mile. The company is a rip off, they say it’s made in Alhambra, but it’s made in China and there customer service is terrible. It does have this lcd screem on it, not sure how I can hook it up to a vesc


ahh cool…yeah but only one focbox would fit, and 10s3p is a good battery pack for this small board i think. Just going dual on this should be enough in my opinion. :thinking:

I think it fits a unity, I’ll get dimensions soon, Board is at my storage unit at the time. You could fit a 10s4p but it would take a bit of improvising


ah sorry i made a mistake in thinking…the foc box is single and the unity is dual hahahaha…mhhh… maybe there is enough space in the front if you remove the damn display nobody needs, hahahaha, but just a suggestion, nothing serious. Im interested how this will turn out. good luck peace

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Yeeaaah !!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1: I plan the same !


Couldnt fit double stack 18650 without harming the deck. so much extra space. Had to think of something else :man_shrugging:


I think its really perfect ^^


what lipos are they?

look at the first pic

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Being blind :slight_smile:

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have to confess i did a 3d model before ordering 2 of them… “this should fit… according to meassuremnts given” they fit like a glove.


What is the dimensions of the pack before and after?