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Yeah worth the money. I just used them yesterday and even with some of the blue loctite I could apply torque without any worry of bending the wrench or stripping the screw

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It’s already come in handy lol… removed a shitty rounded out stainless hex screw today

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https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words-use-pm/2992/8288?u=aretardedpillow Fuck you and ya pushing!!! Slow crew!!


:joy::joy::joy::joy: you should try kick pushing some time it’s good for your health young one


I only kick push when I’m drinking 2 bubble teas at once and have no room for remote


Lol, I see a resounding yes on that. Makes me feel bad that I wasted $7 on the set I got today. I mainly got it as a starter set to see if I really needed a whole set before I potentially upgrade later. That is generally what I try to do with all the new tools I buy because I can be pretty impulsive when buying things sometimes. Problem is, one of the sets I seen is pretty expensive and I dunno if I can buy that now. This one that I saw recommended might be overkill, I dunno.


@Skunk @Sender @J0ker3366 @Wraith @jasonbhuynh Any recommendations? :sweat_smile:


I’m not familiar with other hex key sets out there besides the Wera set @Skunk convinced me into buying but I’m liking it so far. solid buy and I’m certain its gonna last me a real long while

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I have that same deck! Favorite push board for sure. The pantheon trip


Oh yes I am loving it super comfortable ride amazing :wink:

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The wera “hex plus” are basically the worlds best allen wrenches. Their claim to faim is a special geometry that can remove rounded bolts. And apply more torque to non rounded bolts. Also they are super high quality.

I found that the BONDHUS are very good too and a cheaper then wera. But they don’t have that special geometry for stripped bolts. Mine have lasted years of regular use and still fit perfect.



Okay, thank you. Wow, that is loads cheaper than the one I linked. I’ll put that on my tentative list of things I still need but yet to acquire.

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There’s a reason it’s hella cheaper. I reluctantly shelled out the money against my better judgement, based only on the recommendations of folks on this very forum, and bought these Wera Hex Plus allen keys and I have to say omfg I’m glad I bought them. They are SOO MUCH better, especially with grub screws and things like that. If you hate stripping hex, then you NEED to buy these, do not accept imitations.


Okay, I actually have both on a list. Since I’m not getting them right away, I’ll have time to consider. It’s not that I doubt the extra investment is worth it. I know it is. I just sank a lot already into this project, so I gotta slow down for a minute. lol

All I’ll say is if you go with the slightly cheaper option, one day you may have a bolt stuck and you’ll wish you spent the extra $20 bucks



Hard to tell what’s going wrong off the one picture.

@skunk the mounts are apparently designed for tb218s which have a larger hanger, so the screw holes don’t line up when using genuine calibers

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You have the clamp tightened down already? That’s the issue with cast caliber trucks. there’s always going to be a variance.

Don’t file! Use shims or shrink tubing


The hangers too big not too small.

*edit wait. No other way around… Lol. Multitasking is bad

Yeah so put a piece of heat shrink on the hanger, then install the clamp. Cut away excess heat shrink.

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