RAPTOR 2 | Most Powerful Direct Drive Electric Skateboard | Kickstarter

Sorry Jamie. Was asking Taor77 if he had proof of postage.

Haha, your friend is mean :smile:


Jason got his newest documentary video up!

Thanks for the updates Jason!


So cool to see the details of what is going on behind the scenes. Canā€™t wait to get my hands on the board! That first commute to work is going to be so much fun.

Awesome stuff @onloop!

Just got confirmation from Zendesk that my board is built. I thought It would take months since I was one of the last to preorder. So excited!

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Did they give you a shipping date?

@lyslampe Hi Lyslampe,

Iā€™ve just checked the chat log from Zendesk, and I wanted to let you know that you may have come away from your chat with the slightly wrong impression. If you were one of the last pre-orders, then your board most likely is NOT built as of yet, but it IS in the queue. As stated previously, we hope to get out some small shipments by the end of this month and fulfil the remaining pre-orders (first batch) by the end of July.

We appreciate your support and your patience - we know you all want nothing more than to hit the streets with these beasts!


Soā€¦ Lets begin by me stating I am a complete computer noviceā€¦

now thats out of the wayā€¦

I was browsing the Enertion website and kept seeing people purchasing the BLDC tool so I thought what the hell Iā€™ll buy it (which is free) so I download it and open it to find that this looks insanely complicated! Is this something that I am going to have to use or is it for those of you who actually know what you are doing?

Thats for people who purchased their foc box esc. The Raptor will be delivered with the esc conpletely set up and dialed in.

No you wonā€™t have to use it at all. . The R2 has already been setup for your basic user with no change necessary. The motor controller VESC now known as FOC box is; however, open source and therefore can be modified if an advanced user isnā€™t satisfied with the settings it comes in.

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Honestly Iā€™d love to ride it, but Iā€™d much prefer to be on the assembly team! How fun would that be?! Ride my own Esk8 to the factory and then start assembling and seeing the final product, knowing that someone is going to be riding this beautiful thing!


Thank you for the clarification. I understand there is going to be different settings like beginner, intermediate and expert for exampleā€¦ so would I then need to use this software to change it as I get better? again this is naivety from having zero knowledge of it but I would have just assumed that the hand controller would have a sort of switch to change between the levels. If the software needs to be used to change I hope someone will do a YoutTube video to help people like me :grin:

the remote that comes with the board has a beginner and advanced mode that you can change, switched up is beginner switched down is advanced, there are tutorials all over youtube that will give you a better understanding of how to use to bldc tool, Pretty sure that the top speed is still the same, just changes how quickly you get their, I think, I mean, thatā€™s how my remote and vesc x work. on advanced mode its a lot more touchy, move the trigger forward a little and you accelerate faster than you do if you go full throttle on beginner mode. https://youtu.be/dxDXUrk-7ek this shows you how to use the bldc tool, fairly certain its the same for the vesc xā€™s, or foc box if thatā€™s what they call it now.


youĀ“ll also have an app to change settings pretty easily


Anyone know if there is an iphone app coming out at any point for the board? Or whats the work around for mac users?

@onloop Hey Jason i was just curious what comes in the Tool box that comes in the raptor 2 box? i have seen no mention of it and my curiosity is burning lol

its a secretā€¦


@onloop Gold Members VIP card?

Canā€™t wait to make a video like this one I put together when my Raptor 2 arrives.

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@onloop can you maybe give us a timeline of how long you think it will take before we get the boards?