Onewheel Build Guide

then you need to configure it to use an external Gyro and it should work… Im playing around with the costum vesc tool as we speak and it lives! :smiley:

the auther does not want to many people asking to many questions on how to get this running as he has not yet had time to write an configuration tutorial, but ask me and I’ll see if I can help


Woah, what vesc is that and how much is it?

its the one Im using

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That’s just a vesc 6 my guy, my comment was about the picture

sorry about that, just scrolled up to see what I thought you responded to…

those are the vesc mini’s

Wow that’s Nice!!!.

Sorry I didn’t explain properly, I mean I can solder the mpu which is not populated in the PCB, once is done, do you think this mpu 9250 is the same than the vesc 6+ you have? IMG_20190815_223716

What is the orientation of the gyro? I believe most EUCs are vertical - we will of course be mounting at 90 degrees - horizontally. How is this configured? Via VESC_TOOL?

Hi @Dan333, is the IMU JUST an IMU or do you need a Teensy as well? If I could get away with a VESC mini and a simple external IMU I’ll be very happy (my wallet would certainly be!)

worked best for me when i selected the ‘hub motor’ in the motor config wizard. rest is simple.

Try checking the pressure pads

Im unsure as I have the internal IMU…

you can check the ref design I guess, but looking at the code and knowing that the MPU-9150 was the old one I guess icm 20948 is what is being used in the Vesc6Plus

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Do you mean the ‘DD…’ ?

Any chance any of you know the pinout for external gyro to vesc? Thanks

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Maybe try on the VESC official forum? Don’t think anyone knows here.

Just use a Arduino which you connect via Serial to the VESC. And then give current or duty commands.


Or wait a few that this PR gets merged. :slight_smile: