My parents won't let me get an eboard

Divorce your parents - you have good grounds.


Once you make a board that goes that speed, you want more. mine goes 37mph or 60kmh and im 16, i haven’t even got protective gear on btw and i still want more



Yea i haven’t got gear yet :slight_smile:

Do you have a helmet at least


God, yes 10char

I’m gonna disagree with the other comments here. I’m 17, started my build at 15. You really don’t need an electric skateboard, at least not to the degree you feel like you do. Honestly, a bike is a better mode of transportation (shorter braking distance, more reliable, easier to lock up so you don’t have to go stash it somewhere), if a little less fun. If it’s that important to you you can keep fighting them on it but ultimately parents are parents and the fact is they have the ability to make and enforce decisions unilaterally. Good luck though! :grin:


Yeah that could work

This thread makes me feel really old…

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So then go talk to them, issue resolved :stuck_out_tongue:

There not home, and I don’t think they’ll change their mind within the week

Yeah of course

I think your parents are probably just really worried about you getting hurt. I have skates for several year now so has a lot of people here and most of use have fallen some have even died who were very experienced. I think you would win them over if you showed them the protective gear you were looking at in order to be safe on it. If you look up a few pictures of @Deckoz in full armor and show that to them they may change there mind or just introduce your mom to @Grozniy because he is like a snake charmer


That was our little secret @briman05

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I completely agree with @faithfulpuppy. He said what I was thinking better than I could write it out. The electric skateboard is a want. They are fun, but it isn’t worth introducing family issues to have one. Wait for college and have a blast there with it! Practice with the friends for the present if plainly they don’t allow it or, as it seems, are unsure of the safety. I’ve already been almost twice already myself in a short space of time, and that’s being careful in residential areas.

This is not true. (Im kidding)

But in all honesty for some people an electric skateboard is the best choice

for example Im almost 14 (Turn 15 Jan 31 ) and live in a medium sized town that you probably never heard of, Hershey. I use my electric skateboard to get everywhere being its the quickest and most efficient since I cant drive and everything I do is within 5 miles with some exception. Also during the summer we get a ton of traffic in our small town making esk8ing a quick and easy way to get by that. I also use eskating as both a hobby and as a true means of transportation the only time I have to hang it up is during the winter, but even then thats when I improve my board.

Back to the topic, look at it this way @Agrelle you have to decide hobby or way of transportion, how long will you actually use it, how much money, and what board are you gonna build. let your parents know what you are using it for and tell them know you get its dangerous and you understand the risk. if they so no then wait.

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Oh of course, but a bike does that too! A little slower, more work to ride, but also less than half the price and easier to deal with.

I started kinda dreaming of having an electric skateboard when I realized how hilly some of the colleges I’d be considering are, but I guess I played myself because the one I’m gonna be going to is almost totally flat, so I’m gonna get around on my normal cruiser. After all this hassle, the eboard is probably gonna get hung up (outside of group rides, ofc.)

What I’m saying is: you’re not missing out on much (except wicked fun) if you already have a bike.

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Well as I said it comes down really to what you used it for also the only problem Ive had with Ebikes and normal bikes is theres not many places to lock a bike around me.

I build my first board during my freshman year of high school, and now dozens of boards later I’m in college :wink: I second the science fair idea if all else fails, I wanted to back Boosted Boards on Kickstarter but my parents wouldn’t let me… so I got an electric skateboard concept approved as a science fair idea before telling my parents, and after that I was locked in! :joy:

janky first board with RC car electronics: 32%20PM

early highschool: IMG_20160421_183406

late highschool: IMG_20160819_2324485

Now (lightweight college cruiser): 20190107_201910 20190107_201854 20190107_201817


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