My first and last build (for now) Hi5ber Jalapeno | Torqueboards Direct Drive | 12s4p Samsung 30q | FOCCBOX Unity | Hoyt puck controller

She has practically no flex at all. I don’t like flexy boards. I know they are more comfortable but to me you lose a ton of control. I skateboard so I am just used to a stiff deck. One day I will be building a Trampa eMTB so then I can learn the joys of flex and pneumatic tires!

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completely independently I made some adapters for my TB DDs as well this morning. Mine didn’t need drilling out though and the supplied 3.5mm male bullets just slid straight in. Like you used a mini clamp and heated the female 5.5mm bullet up with a solder iron, made a pool of solder and just slotted them together. 15 min job inc 2x layers of heatshrink :slight_smile:







did you get the ‘crocodile clip flick’ ? Had a near miss as one of the 5.5mm bullets, fully laden with molten solder decided to ping out of the clip, hitting me on the shoulder… ! I angled them away from me after that :joy::rofl::joy:


Haha yes. Juuuust too small to hold them

I was so terrified of that happening!!! Lucky for me it went without incident. The clips me and brenternet have are so much better than the regular ones. See how they tighten down with the wing nut? They work really good.

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yeah I’ve got one like Brent’s but with a backlit magnifier hanging over the double clips. They are brilliant for most things except cylindrical bullets over 4mm ! Definitely something to be careful of next time (as I picked the solder globules out of my T Shirt shoulder :joy:)

OK big update. I got everything in except the Unity.

Look at the size difference compared to my Exway X1 pro!

Cleaned the board with a microfiber towel and isopropyl alcohol and applied the battery straps.

Marked holes and taped edge off to apply weather stripping on the board. I decided to just use skate hardware and drill through the board because the battery is bigger than the case so no matter what I do it seems the case is gonna be doing some lifting… The carbon fiber drills really well. The bits grab really easily so be careful and make sure your aiming right. I ended up having to wallow out the case holes a bit to make it fit after i ran the hardware though the board. All the screw holes got countersunk a little bit so let the screws sit nearly flush in the board. I didn’t want to go too crazy counter sinking them because I am always nervous about losing structural rigidity. But now it comes off easily and with any skate tool!!!

All buttoned up!

My custom light setup. 1 7/8" rubber lined P-clamps and two Sofirn SP 32A. I wrapped 2 layers of electrical tape around the ends of the 18650 Li-Ion cells to keep them from vibrating in the flashlight. They are crazy bright! 1800 lumens each on turbo and should stay lit for 4 hours on turbo mode. I don’t know how reliable this will end up being because people have told me they don’t last but how many of them thought of the tape idea? Who knows, only time will tell.

She looks good in her new home next to her older sister!

So now I am just waiting for the Unity (as are so many other people…) and she will be up and running!!! I am currently looking for some good protective gear. I don’t really wear shit on the Exway but this thing is no joke. Probably gonna have to get the full face helm and some armor. Any suggestions would help immensely, just keep in mind I live in FL so I need the COOLEST, BREATHABLE armor. I wont wear the gear if I am miserable every time I go ride…

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Thinking about getting the Icon Stryker rig.

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It’s finally here!!! After 4 months and 10 days of ordering, the final piece of the puzzle has arrived! I’ll post more pics of the install once it’s done.20190722_155922


Howzit ride?

I needed adapters for the motor sensors. Once they come in I should be ready for final setup.

My last concern is that the Bluetooth chip that came with my Hoyt St controller does not fit the Bluetooth port on the Unity but I might not need it.

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What sensor adapter? I’ll need one too, as I’m doing a Zenith build with TB DDs and a Unity.


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Thank you!!

Hey, how did you end up connecting the Hoyt puck to the Unity, also do you have to calibrate it every time?

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