Most cost effective Esk8

Fortunately, there is no law forcing people to buy Enertion products…

People can freely choose what they buy.

But, The OP has asked a legitimate question that I happen to be very passionate about "what is most cost effective?"

My argument is simple. Buy something that won’t fail or has a legitimate warranty to replace it if it does fail. The OP is building his friend an esk8, so he needs to be honest with them and say ill build you a board but it won’t have any warranty, then you can happily buy your stuff from hobby store.

As you can gather, I am passionate about this topic! This is because I have been there & done it, In the long run it cost me thousands to build my first decent board, probably spent 3X more than necessary becasue I bought stuff that failed…

I know I am fighting an unwinnable battle though, people will always buy the cheaper option in hope they save some money, it’s only hindsight after pre-mature failure that teaches people they made a mistake.

Most people who buy enertion are not at their first rodeo. They have the learned from mistakes.

really? maybe in asia? in Australia everyone one of my mates weighs over 80kg…and gets bored quickly with speeds under 40km/h

I’m not here to make toys for kids.

Like I said, hobby grade can be “good enough” and not fail if the limitations are known. If the rider is heavy and wants acceleration and hill climbing, im sending him straight to Enertion because you have proven that your products dont fail on that regard. But, if the need is small, than I will spend less and use less.

Trust me, if I could sell a cheaper & equally reliable product don’t you think I would do that?.. nothing worse then having lots of unhappy customers… Also it’s a super quick way to ruin your reputation & business.

You forget who wants to ride a long board, mostly teenagers.

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I never said equal reliability. There will always be people that rev up their manual honda civics past 10K and cry about it. For the most part honda are cheap and reliable if treated nicely. You motors have a safe guard and can survive anything. Thus justifying their $150 tag.

so you recommend the OP buy from enertion, thanks :smile:

the fact of the matter is we don’t know what the rider of this board weights, OP says small hills, what does that actually mean? +20Mph is fairly fast… It means the board needs to go like 40km/h…

All on a single motor?

there is a chance the hobby stuff won’t last long… At least go dual drive SK3 6354’s

i disagree 1000% one of my first raptor customers was a 60year old dude.

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Im generalizing here. The electric longboard community ($$$ wise of course) is minuscule compared to teenagers drooling over sector 9. But teenagers have no $$$ so we move on to adults who want electric skateboards.

To much generalizing going on here…

“most people under 80kg… under 35kph… teenagers…”

I would actually bet that over half the people on here aren’t teenagers, want to go over 35kph, and are at least 75kg!

This whole argument has turned into jason giving a reason to justify his motors and people coming up with obscure users who wouldn’t benefit from his reasons… just don’t argue and buy hobbyking if that’s how you feel!

Trying to tell Jason his motors are over priced and things like waterproofing, flexible wire, and aesthetics aren’t necessary isn’t going to pan over well…

At that point you might aswell just go ahead and get rid of the keyway while your at it, right?


Yep prob burn :fire: the motor out…lol ask me…I apparently am the local pro :sob:

That would be close to balls out on the trigger … tucked :snowboarder:lol …

17-19 mph is good…I doubt he could sense the diffrence … I could see 8 - 12 for a chillin ride…I like to carve…so speed is not an issue…I can do it at any speed…and it feels great…

And in the end we all ride different so our set ups reflect that…I slap on 1/2 inch angle risers to the 50 degree Calibers…It can get twitchy at high speed but a carving monster at just below that…

Check how he rides and maybe you can find a happy middle place between cost and quality

I think the generalizing is pretty normal. It certainly fits within my perception of people

Probably the most interesting thing in this thread is that you feel subaru transmissions ar better than Toyota. Because they are also the same company that makes transmissions for both cars.

I feel this can be applied to the motors too. They are all the same. But some fail, some don’t, and some people feel like the label on one makes it better than another.

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definently true its honestly the cost that keeps them away

im a teenager dude and honestly the prices do kill this buisness no offense to jason whatsoever. But lets be honest here 400 dollars is the max a teenager has to spend on a board if you consider that everyone can afford a hoverboard all of a sudden. But any more than that and you can only target working adults with enough income to spend on the necessary components.

Totally get it…3 now 4 motors…I’ll be on my third brand of motor that I have no clue what the name is…I know only it matches my simple specs…prob gonna blow :boom: this one up too (Ahh the smell :nose:t2: of burt wiring in the morning)

Four deck styles…

…an ESC… :fire:

Doing the same development process myself … Build…Rebuild…old deck…new deck…trigger remote…thumb remote…blah blah blah…(dang I’m getting pretty good at soldering)

You push the board till something breaks then figure out why it happened…Is it mechanical failure, forget to put thread locker on something or were you riding like a maniac?..Where’s the line?

Living and breathing this stuff is far different than doing the 9 to 5, then :running_man:t2: running home to geek :nerd_face: out on your one precious e-board project that you want to last 4EVER.

I think ANY motor, ESC and hardware CAN last a long time…Maybe even 4EVER…if you make sure that there is zero movement in the motor to bracket and bracket to truck (thread locker is key)…the belt tension is perfect as to not put unnessary pressure on the motor bearings…OH and of course…You need to ride like a WUSS.

I think all the people doubts about how you say your product is better … Is justified and reasonable …to think as they do make sense…

That being said…IF you have had the same experience as some of the others have had with the products they are using…There would be no need to switch from that NTM Brushless Motor…or EMP or whatever…You’d just be in the business of brackets and spacely sprockets…oh and Space Cell Battery (Shameless Plug :wink:)

Only way to find out if @onloop’s :poop: Is any good … Is to try yourself and see what all the hub bub is about…

Fuck sake … I’m with the “haven’t tried an RSpec, but my :poop: Is just as good” group… Till I try it with “my set up”… I won’t be a beliver … Can’t blame Jason for thinking his baby is the prettiest in the pageant :princess:t2: … I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt…Will it make me buy his motor…Nope…for now.

haha I’d like to prove you wrong, but this isn’t the thread for it. Just check out my other three build threads, all of which were built by a 16 year old… and I can tell you it wasn’t with mommy and daddy’s money either.

now I’m out :wink:


No, no and no. I am 13, I saved up for 6 months by working for my dad, then i built an esk8.


16 year olds be making it happen… :grin:


It’s awesome…Who cares if it 16 or 76…

We are all the same age a soon as we jump one the board.

Great for everyone in the end no matter what then make or how fast it’s goes … The accomplishment of getting it done is the glory we all enjoy no matter how much money we squirreled away to make it. I’d be just as happy with my boards if I had $400 bucks to work with. A budget is a budget no matter the age… A 16 olds money is just as good as a 76 olds money